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Engine symbol shows up unremittingly on IDD for a second


Grand rapids, MI
AXYS S with SLP pipe/can/resistor will show a engine block symbol upper left hand of IDD every so often for a split second. Engine temp is always 124-126. Check diagnostics on IDD and "no faults". Any concern or ideas?
Take the resister out, lots of guys having issues with it..
The resister that comes with the pipe, between the exhaust probe and the harness.
Ummmm--Could the intermittent engine light have something to do with THIS manifesting? I saw a giant crack and I finished tearing the hole open when I tried to unscrew the exhaust sensor this morning. Sled wouldn't start at all today with the crack. I had RIPPED the last few miles home yesterday and shut it down--no issues.

It wouldn't start this morning. So I replaced the pipe/can with stock once I saw the damage--and removed resister--replaced wet-fouled plugs and still no start. Irony--I was going to move the harmonic strap today per SLP recommendations. Too late.

I have a Bikeman pipe on way (SSI still has no pipes made) and the Dynotech PCV in hand. Ill' try all that first with the SLP clutch kit intact--then switch out the SLP clutch kit and replace with the generally recommended 120/310 primary; 50/44 helix and 140-220 secondary with dalton adjustable weights.

FWIW: Already geared to 1.74 and added a 1.5" Ripsaw 2 and it did rip pretty good with the gearing/track being the only tried changes so far. Got on my Indy SP 800 and the AXYS really hits well now compared to that sled--which is a pretty fast sled (109 GPS).

Why do you think it wouldn't start after I removed and replaced with stock pipe/can--and removed the resistor?
Ummmm--Could the intermittent engine light have something to do with THIS manifesting? I saw a giant crack and I finished tearing the hole open when I tried to unscrew the exhaust sensor this morning. Sled wouldn't start at all today with the crack. I had RIPPED the last few miles home yesterday and shut it down--no issues.

It wouldn't start this morning. So I replaced the pipe/can with stock once I saw the damage--and removed resister--replaced wet-fouled plugs and still no start. Irony--I was going to move the harmonic strap today per SLP recommendations. Too late.

I have a Bikeman pipe on way (SSI still has no pipes made) and the Dynotech PCV in hand. Ill' try all that first with the SLP clutch kit intact--then switch out the SLP clutch kit and replace with the generally recommended 120/310 primary; 50/44 helix and 140-220 secondary with dalton adjustable weights.

FWIW: Already geared to 1.74 and added a 1.5" Ripsaw 2 and it did rip pretty good with the gearing/track being the only tried changes so far. Got on my Indy SP 800 and the AXYS really hits well now compared to that sled--which is a pretty fast sled (109 GPS).

Why do you think it wouldn't start after I removed and replaced with stock pipe/can--and removed the resistor?
.View attachment 932
Jesus that really blew a hole , probably just flooded really good , leave the plugs out over night to let it dry out ....

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