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Fuel pump ?


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
Pro rake 800
My 2019 rmk 800 wouldn’t start so we learned from utube to disconnect the fuel pump wiring harness and then after cranking around ten times we were able to get it running. We did not go ride it in fear of break down. My questions is what should I do now, remove and replace the pump or anything else ???
Clean the connector contacts in that pump wiring harness really good with some DeoxIT or contact cleaner, put some dielectric grease in there and run it. That pump connection is known to corrode from water getting in there.
Ok, will do. So you think I need not worry about a failing pump or sock then? Sure wish I knew more about those components.
I doubt there is a problem with the pump itself. The dirty connector was your main problem, umplugging it broke enough of the corrosion to get some contact when you reconnected it. Good enough for a get out of the woods fix, cleaning it & grease will prevent it from happening again.
The pump will whine when the sock is getting dirty. Not sure how good the detergents are in the fuel you are using, but some k100 or SeaFoam will break up deposits and help the sock last longer.

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