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heated visor not working

Hey guys just woundering if there is a fuse in the axys for the heated visor cord? And wear its located?... my sled is a 15 switchback pro x... i hate chaseing wires just woundering if there is an easy answer on what and wear to look thanks guys.
Is your brake light working. If not, the fuse is blown. It's in the pouch above the front of the clutch guard/oil bottle. There are two fuses in that bag. One of them is blown. Can't remember the wire colors. They are 2amp. FYI it's 12v dc.
I recall reading the same thing recently, interest to hear if there is a fuse, makes sense there would be.
Yes there is 100% a fuse there. And it is a 2amp.
I was unawaer that there were two. Ill have to go back in as the one i found wasnt blown.
It is very tight in there major pain in the rear
But yes my tailight does work.
Start it and see if your brake light works. If not, look for the other fuse. Don' t take the bag out, just open it to get to what you need, or you will spend a lot of time to get it back in there.
There are two fuses hidden in the sock in front of the primary. Neither were blown.
rather then looking and traceing i cheated and ran a new line right from the batteri.

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