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Jaws pipe w/heat shield, race can and North star clutch kit


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2017 Assault
Axys 800 ceramic Jaws pipe and race can. Pipe has heat shield also selling North star Rick's clutch kit. Kit includes 10/68 weights, primary and secondary springs and his helix. Springs and helix are Venom brand and polaris 68/10's. Can is load above 5,000know RPMs. All has 10 hrs or so on them.
$800 obo would like to sell as package but will separate for the right price.

New retail
Pipe $550
Can $350
Clutch $400

I enjoy trying different things so I'm going a completely different route.
Pipe is sold, still have can and clutch kit
What did you think of the NSP clutch Kit?

It's like any clutch kit, it only works if it fits your needs. I like knowing what exactly I have and he doesn't share his helix numbers. I tried both the slots on his helix and stock felt better. I tried the 48/44 cut everyone raves about and stock felt better. I'm going give 50/44 a try soon. Honestly, you'd be further ahead to do a little digging on this site and order everything straight from Venom. Venom is where 99% of these guys get their parts and mark the price up. I'm running the Polaris 68-10 weights, 165/310 primary, 140/220 secondary, 58/44 .36 stock helix and 1.96 gears. 144 1.75 track with 2 per row 1.96 studs. I'm 50/50 trail boondocking.
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I have a 2017 Assault 800. I changed the gearing to 1.80 from 1.74. Changed my clutching as follows: Dalton QAP3 weights with 3/8 in tip, 5/8 at heel, Dalton100-305 primary spring. P2 secondary with Dalton fully progressive 50-44 helix, and the tabbed 140-200 spring from Polaris. Jaws pipe. 133 Trigger studs with Performance Stud Star nuts. Studs are 1.575 in length. My sled has the 1 3/8 Cobra track. Sled pulls 8350 rpm with an occasional spike of 8400. Took it for a ride yesterday and the sled performs really well. I also have CPC Turbo Mags that I will be testing shortly and will get back to you guys as to what I used for a spring and where I put the weights. I should also mention that both clutches are cooler than the other side of the pillow. :D
Bigfuse - was your primary worked over at all to use shims on each side of the primary spring? I need to try again with my 110/320 primary spring with the TM's, but the 110/290 might be a good option for me to try as well - and I have one.
Bigfuse - was your primary worked over at all to use shims on each side of the primary spring? I need to try again with my 110/320 primary spring with the TM's, but the 110/290 might be a good option for me to try as well - and I have one.
Nope it's the stock primary.

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