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Kids Indy 120?


Active Member
Chase Mills, NY
Years Snowmobiling
‘16 SB 800 Pro S
Does anyone have one? How do you like it? Worth the $? Waste of $? Thinking about getting one for my 2 boys for Xmas this year. Pros/cons? Polaris motor?
I have one for my kids. It's a 2007 Polaris 120. My daughter is 6yrs old now and she has been riding it 2 winters now. My 3yr old boy hasn't rode it yet (wasn't ready for it last winter).

-Kids love it
-suspension is pretty good
-easy to ride
-easy to start
-very light...you can pick it up and put it in the back of a pick up truck
-4-stroke engine...it will last a long time.
-good after market sites for parts etc. (check out recmotor.com)
-hold their value well
-you can buy a wheel kit to replace the skis and the kids can ride it all summer also

-small engine equals small carb and will gum up easy...I would suggest running non-eth gas in it all the time
-cold hands/non-heated grips...I added the heated grips kit that Arctic Cat offers ($50) but I think that was a waste of money. Just get your kids those hot hand inserts for their gloves and they will be fine.
-they don't handle fresh deep snow all that well. I just keep a path packed down around the yard with my sled throughout the winter.
-kind of boggy and idles low (the newer ones might be better?)
-not sure how old your boys are but eventually they will want more speed out of it
-for the previous 2 comments I made for 'cons'...go to recmoter.com and check out part#: PIPOLA. The kit costs $97.15 and it addresses both issues. I added it before last winter and it really woke up the 120. Idles great and its a 3-5mph faster.

I probably forgot a few things but I hope that helps...
Thanks. Very helpful. My boys are 6 and 4. They just got a raptor 50 4 wheeler from their grandpa and they love it so I thought a snowmobile would be worth it for winter fun
Yeah. Good point. They probably don't make it.

They are expensive but so hard to find a used one around here
I just noticed this topic. If you haven't spent any money on this motor yet, then I will give you some advice.
They only do 8mph from the factory. You can change the gearing and remove the Governer spring and it will do 14-15.
WHEN you want to go faster, don't waste any money modding the stock motor.
The Briggs Animal is the best motor for these sleds. It's a 8.5hp and can be modded a lot more and still be reliable.
I had my Sons doing 31mph on the radar gun and that's geared well enough to pull him around the yard in loose snow.
Thanks. I haven't bought one. Not going to. Too much $ for these little things. I am just going to keep scanning craigslist for a 250 single or 340 two stroke Yamaha. Should find something someday. Hard to find sleds this size nowadays that aren't beat up junk

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