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My Gearing and Clutch Setup So Far


Active Member
Years Snowmobiling
Pro S 800
For the record and anyone who cares.

Thanks to everyone who contributed past advice on here and Hard Core Sledder.

Time and money were more limited than normal this year. I did a budget temporary setup. Budget as in I found used components where possible and went with the minimum number of parts to get a workable setup.

Another side note: The winter where I am this year has been slightly better than junk. I have yet to ride my sled at below freezing temperatures.

Top speeds are in a field with limited space in packed but sloppy snow.

-220 pounds with gear.
-126 woodys recommended studs. 3 in the middle of each bar.
-My suspension setup is for max comfort on bumps, jumps, stumps, ruts and wrecked un groomed trails with endless satanic moguls. No compromise made for speed, slight compromise made for handling.

Stock and modified, I tried Gates and Polaris belt, soap and water cleaned. Gates belt worked the best for me in both cases. I never measured them.

Stock Observations:
-Highest top speedo speed recorded was 92mph on multiple runs. Above freezing, packed but sloppy snow. Sometimes only 89mph
-RPM 7700 to 8000. Inconsistent.
-Belt only climbing just past half way
-Evidence of belt slipping in all ranges.
-Sheaves too hot to hold
-Boggy in midrange sometimes
-In slow tight hilly woods riding, it would feel like the belt was slipping and the engine was boggy.
-Belt would sink down in secondary during reverse sometimes.

Detail Fixes:
-Track adjusted per Brock specs
-Secondary floated to Brock spec
-Chain tension on the loose side of spec (stock it was okay)
-Exhaust removed and sealed with RTV
-Front end alignement checked (was good)
-Clutches scotchbrite de glazed, soap cleaned and checked for assembly and cleanliness.
-Delrin washers in secondary.

Modified Setup:
-1.74 gearing. 23 top, 40 bottom 70 pitch hyvo chain. Stock top gear, bottom gear and chain we're used on ebay.
-10/70 polaris weights. Used. (I bought others new but screwed up and bought ones without bushings by mistake).
-155/222 secondary spring. Stock helix. Spring is on heavy side. But works with stock helix and warm sloppy snow.

-Highest top speedo speed 103 mph in same field, 2 separate days, multi run, above freezing, packed but sloppy snow. Always 103 in same distance.
-Rpm always 8200-8250
-Always ready feeling midrange.
-Belt climing much further toward the top.
-Clutch faces normal warm and can be held indefinitely.
-No evidence of belt slip
-Sled always snappy and ready in slow woods even with passenger.
-No belt pull down in reverse

If the sled came this way I would be happy. It's faster than my friends 2015 Etec 800 in all cases and feels much more punchy all over.


Next year I will try Dr, and Brocks recommended helix and the 140/200 secondary spring. I also plan on getting the primary worked over per Dr, Brocks and others recomendations. I will also do TPS check and if I have the money a power commander. On warm days you can tell the sled is needlessly rich.
Great to hear. Yeah I've run mine is plenty of warm weather this year and they really don't like it. If it keeps it alive then I guess it's ok.
Glad you got it working somewhat good with your budget and bad winter.

Now, if you machined for overdrive and had anywhere from 68-69 grams with more tip weight then the 70's you have in it. It would get the belt up Top in primary more.

The secondary of 140/200 you mentioned is good. Might wanna use a 140/220 if it's lazy in heavy snow and better back shift
Glad you got it working somewhat good with your budget and bad winter.

Now, if you machined for overdrive and had anywhere from 68-69 grams with more tip weight then the 70's you have in it. It would get the belt up Top in primary more.

The secondary of 140/200 you mentioned is good. Might wanna use a 140/220 if it's lazy in heavy snow and better back shift
Doing this next season. Thank you for all the information.
I saw 106 on dream meter several times across the lake this week and saw 110 on the account recal, all in 45 degree weather and not ideal lake conditions. Would pull 103 consistently. Rpm's were consistently 8300-8350, sometimes would pull down to 8200, but that's only when I'd hit the slush, and it would climb back up moments later.
I was happy with my result, and besides regearing to 1:81, the 1.6 cobra track and the delrin behind secondary spring, everything is stock.
Sled was just about broken in during this testing, with the engine at about 17 hours and 275-280 miles on it.
Not sure what my distances where but I'm guessing about a quarter mile. Conditions varied greatly across the run, from hard pack to soft n wet to straight up rutted, chewed out ice.
Definitely hits a wall tho at top end, tho I do feel that the conditions contributed to this somewhat...
Would like to fix that and thanks to advice from guys on here I think I've got an idea how to.

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