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Oil recommend for new HO 800

Caption Red Beard

New Member
Polaris recommends their ves, my dealer says amsoil interceptor, and when I bought my slp stage 2 kit they tell me redline. Anyone have any real world experience with the new Polaris exhaust system and recommendation?
I actually custom blend all of the ves and other oils for polaris at my work. Run ves. We do numerous test and long hours test on our dynos at work. Not to mention if you ran another oil other then ves and you had a malfunction polaris could be a sick and not warrant the motor because of improper wear additives in oil. Not saying they would bit they can. I would run ves also cuz of the new electric oil pump meters it alot better and the pump flow is made for the oil density of the ves oil
Ya. We blend all the oil for brp, ski doo, and Arctic cat to. If you put those oil in your machine I made it literally lol.
I have stuck with VES oil since the mid 2000's. Main reason is warranty. I usually get extended warranties. Don't want any reason on Polaris's part for a denial. I know all about the Mag Moss act. Don't bring it up. These days the MFG's look for any excuse to deny warranty. Example, A simple piece of velcro for what ever your reason, and they may say you had a fuel controller on sled. Not worth the chance to not use their oil. I buy oil preseason on sale at shows, so price is reasonable. Dealer also sells in bulk. With 2 sleds and a 3rd in reserve, also one oil brand only makes sense
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Amsoil is a multi level marketing company which is as close to a pyramid scheme you can get which is why they have "dealers" everywhere because it is so easy to become one anyone can and if someone gets you to become a dealer they make money off you. Which I don' think is right which one reason not to use amsoil

Also ask any engine builder they will tell you do not use amsoil its like water and offers no protection and motors are bone dry when you tear them down.

I use Klotz its my personal preference and what I have always used with great results
I have used Amzoil for over 15 years on (first Cat) and after switching to Polaris In 1997, I started using Amzoil and never looked back! I have never had a lube related problem with Amzoil. My 11 Pro 800 163 lost a mag side rod last Feb 28 and after tearing it down, I can blame the rod failure on Polaris as the oil pump was set up to lean, mark was lean side of V notch and took 4+ turns to get to the middle of the V notch, but , deffinetly not a problem with Amzoil. I probably have at least 20 thousand miles on my (and family) collection of sleds in the last 20 years on Amzoil. So just my experiences and opinions and they are worth just what you paid for them here!!??
gtwitch in wyoming
Run whatever oil you like in your sled. It's all personal preference. I make the oem oil so thats why I burn it. I see more then what the average person sees when I go back to the dyno room and they test all the other oils vs oem oils. There's a reason each machine takes a different oil and additive package. Amsoil is more of a universal oil that pretty much had every additive in it.
The oil debate will be an on going thing.

I agree with a lot of you guys.
As the saying goes 'Oil opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one'

I am going to run VES in mine for warranty purposes. Do you run oil mixed into your first tank of gas?? (coming off 4 stroke)
I do. I break my sleds in on dino oil. 2 qts in the oil tank and 40-1 in the fuel. Get the fuel down as far as you can before refill. 100 miles or so . Same for oil tank, get it as low as you can. I siphon out the rest of the break in oil than fill with ves.
Amsoil is a multi level marketing company which is as close to a pyramid scheme you can get which is why they have "dealers" everywhere because it is so easy to become one anyone can and if someone gets you to become a dealer they make money off you. Which I don' think is right which one reason not to use amsoil

Also ask any engine builder they will tell you do not use amsoil its like water and offers no protection and motors are bone dry when you tear them down.

I use Klotz its my personal preference and what I have always used with great results
I disagree, ran it in my SDI with no problems, and my buddy runs it in his 14,etec with 5800mi . The way he beats it its probably more like 10k miles. If the oil was no good it would've of blown up thousands of miles ago. Hes hard on it! All he knows how to do is ride! Couldn't even change his belt when it blew! Today's generation! Very Sad!
I have always had Polaris snowmobiles. I tryed a few types of oil. Yamaha 2s oil is my choice. It kept the motor and powervalves the cleanest. And it is priced right. Have had sleds with upwards of 10,000 miles on them and had no issues. I will continue to use it. I have also heard it is made by Red line. Can anyone varify that?

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