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Bassett Star

New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2016 Switchback Pro S
The wife overheated her 2019 Pro-S to the point the orange bar came on in the PIDD display. What type of problems do you think I'll have, both present and future? Seems to be running fine now. We were riding on icy trail with little loose snow and she was afraid to go off trail every so often to cool it down in the deeper snow.
Don’t these engines drop into limp mod to prevent damage if overheating, and at some point just turn off? I’m not sure you will have any issues but I’d educate her on how to keep it cool in icy conditions. Gotta watch the temp gauge. Or add some scratchers
Thermostats are known to go bad. Had one on a 16 Switchback that suddenly after a stop in the middle of a 160 mile day to fail closed. Lucky to have someone stop that had a 8 and 10 MM wrench to borrow. Pulled the thermostat out of it (leave the gasket off the stat in the head) and will finish the season that way. Something easy to check. Elevate the front and pull it out. Throw it in some boiling water and see how it reacts.

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