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Pipe builders take notice.


Active Member
Posted by local clubs and we have to respect the clubs desire to keep peace with land owners who allow trail crossings. My motivation for posting is this; A; Encourage pipe makers to produce pipes that are no louder than stock at any rpm's. We all want additional performance, but not at the expense of landowner respect and appreciation. B; Encourage sled owners to stop buying pipes that don't meet stock decibel levels. If we don't buy them, they won't make them. Don't hate. I love this sport and trail riding can't happen unless landowners allow us to cross their property. Let's work together to keep our sport strong!


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This is such a huge problem one of the most popular groups on Facebook sledderz every post is what can to get and see new companies making them all the time. It's the cool thing to do unfortunately.
It's not the replacement pipes that are loud, it's the replacement cans/mufflers.
Riders need to take a stand with others they ride with and tell them brappping / loud cans are no longer acceptable.
If I hear one more person tell me the tale about how they "only get on it away from town" I'm gonna puke. So proud of their new found lil noise maker they brapp constantly.
If you want the sled to weigh less (not that you can feel the difference in the wt of the can vs stock), cut back on the cheeseburgers.
I wish the cops would enforce it. its not hard, if it doesn't look like a suit case its probably not stock. if it looks like a beer can write the ticket
Around here, they are enforcing the crap out of it. Keep factory can on it!!

The exhaust is the reason to pull you over and give you the DUI to go with it.
Around here, they are enforcing the crap out of it. Keep factory can on it!!

The exhaust is the reason to pull you over and give you the DUI to go with it.

I'm all for that. Hopefully it makes the idiots that only use their sleds sleds to go bar hopping and get lit up every night think twice
I got to vent. Ok the clubs preach no loud pipes and saying that land owners are ready to shut the trails down if they hear one. Then you see the very active members sleds have them on and posting videos of them off trail shredding powder braaping away.

And main club supporters are dealers, performance shops guess what there selling tons of cans. Just hypocritical. There shooting themselves in the foot the trails get shut down there goes there business. But selling cans is easy money.
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I got to vent. Ok the clubs preach no loud pipes and saying that land owners are ready to shut the trails down if they hear one. Then you see the very active members sleds have them on and posting videos of them off trail shredding powder braaping away.

And main club supporters are dealers, performance shops guess what there selling tons of cans. Just hypocritical. There shooting themselves in the foot the trails get shut down there goes there business. But selling cans is easy money.

I disagree. Our supporters are the members and county. Not dealers. Maybe this is happening in your neck of the woods but in the upper Midwest it's becoming more of an issue. I don't want to continually go over the same reasons for or against, but rest assured Ma and Pa Landowner and Joe Tenant are getting less and less accepting. The "green movement" or what ever you want to call it... or simple jealousy for those that have not, are the reasons we are seeing. I would have to say in my case, as president of a club, it's very hard to turn a landowner back once the bad taste hit's their mouth. I just read today on the Michigan DNR website on ALL the trail closings this year - one being 11N.

Rerouting in my neck of the woods is even more difficult, due to those landowners (farmers mostly) that purchase large blocks of land from smaller farms that sell out. I can go on and on. It's not only this "can" issue... it's free lancing also - and just about any other "reason" to dislike us.

Your opinion is great and is fine to express... but your a minority.

Aside from that, I sure hope you have snow and can finally ride this year. We may open our trails here this weekend for the first time in several years.

Ride on!
I think you completely missed my point of what I was saying. But anyway yeah landowners around here have had enough with the cans and off trail riding. If something doesn't change the trails will be gone. All the clubs seem to be warning of increased law inforcement check points this year hopefully this will help
It's happening everywhere. Naysayers just don't get how much their cans are impacting the sport.

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