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Polaris P2 secondary on a Indy 600?


Staff member
Will County, Illinois
Years Snowmobiling
since 1976
AXYS Switcher 800,Indy600sp,XCSP600ves
Any one run this secondary on their 600 and tune it beyond the oem 2013-2014 setup?

Dalton helix and Polaris P2 spring for the 600. Helix backer shim ground out some to help the snap ring fit better on the clutch post. It is evenly opened up, just not a square picture.
The best answer I have is sort of a question. On his first ride last year my son asked me, "What did you do to the 600, it is stronger?" With that being said along with the P2 setup, I also added a BMP pipe mod, drilled the air box shelf, and added VF3R reeds.
We've done a lot with that secondary on the 600's. We are one of the only companies that offers anything for the P2. Everyone else forces you to jump ship and purchase a Tied secondary with their clutch kit for over $600
Gabes, did you ever run into the snap ring not seating well like I mentioned my fix for above? I heard it was not unusual years ago,
we have a similar setup to what you have mentioned. Its a 2010 rush 600 with a pipe mod and a gabes kit(p2) secondary geared down 1 toth on the top. it is getting stretched to a 137 at the moment. we had very little riding last year but it it appears we will have to add some more weight as it comes out at 8100 and quickly climbs to 8300. It is noticibaly better than stock but I think if it comes out at 7900 loading it hard and building heat fast in the pipe then get to 8100-8200 would be the best.
we have a similar setup to what you have mentioned. Its a 2010 rush 600 with a pipe mod and a gabes kit(p2) secondary geared down 1 toth on the top. it is getting stretched to a 137 at the moment. we had very little riding last year but it it appears we will have to add some more weight as it comes out at 8100 and quickly climbs to 8300. It is noticibaly better than stock but I think if it comes out at 7900 loading it hard and building heat fast in the pipe then get to 8100-8200 would be the best.

I wouldn't add more weight if your stretching it. That track will pull R's down.
Ok , I will wait to test it with the longer track.. The seat of the pants felt like the pipemod made more power but around 200 rpm lower than the stock pipe but ill test against the timers when we get some snow.
I have a P2 in my 2020 Indy XC 850. I've never had an issue with the snap ring coming off of the slot. They work way better than any Team. Too bad that you can't get any parts for them anymore.:mad:
I found a lot of post several years ago that were several years old then, about the snap ring popping off. I seen for myself on both P2’s I bought how they didn’t seat well till I opened up the ID on the washer

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