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possible clutch swaps

hey guys been a while!!

I have a 2015 switchback pro x 800.

my clutch bushing was sticking so I tore the primary apart to find the movable sheeve is cracked 3/4 the way through, thank god it didnt explode.

before I buy a new one my question is will a primary off a 2009 550 fit?. obviously there would be weights and spring adjustments.

the reason I ask is there is one listed locally.
just in case anyone ever reads this and wonders the same question. the 550 will definitely not fit. it's still the fuji motor. they had a diffrent tapered fit to the crank.

however I successfully installed a clutch from a 2012 600.
i am now using the artic cat 048 belt wich is compatible with the pro rides clutch 12-14 dual degree primary.

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