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Primary Clutch Spring.....what to order?


New Member
OK - here goes. 2015 PRO-X Switchback - I was very happy with the performance with the "stock" clutching last year for the 2000+ miles i rode it. Since I am not going to swap track & gearing this year like i wanted to - i will run it again with the stock backcountry X and the 1.86 gearing. I plan on removing the primary clutch to replace the spring and check & clean everything else....should i replace the spring with the stock "gold" spring ?? ( part#7041148 ) or is there "better" replacement spring when using the stock weights & rollers and secondary set-up ?

Thanks in advance - Matt
Ahhh yes, the "search" function works - I am researching this now. looks many people tried different springs......but my sled was always "right on the pipe" and my max speed recall is 100mph...so not to bad for the track & gearing. Looking to maybe get a little more snap from the bottom and still keep my 8250-8350 WOT RPM.

Stay tuned...
A 140/300 slp spring is a good one for your track lug height. It will engage about 4200 rpm
Excellent. I can't wait to try it out I will try and report back my results after my first trip...whenever that will be- ya know ?
Reviving this thread.

I am going to clean my clutches hopefully in the next week or two. My sled is completely stock. Is there a different primary spring I should be using? Sled is a 2015 Switchback 800 Pro S no studs.

I like how the gold springnis really smooth with the power delivery and it engages at a low RPM.

Forgot to add that the sled has 2200 miles on it and I just ordered a Gates belt to try.
A 140/300 slp spring is a good one for your track lug height. It will engage about 4200 rpm
Good Morning Brock,
when you say 4200 rpm . is it with the stock 10-66 ?
what will be the rpm drop with 10-68

also could you tell me what is the rule of thumb for spring rating, , exemple, 140/300 vs 165/300 for engagement rpm ?
Yes, with the Polaris 10 series heel.

I would never engage much higher then 4200 rpm for trail. So a 100,110,120 and 140lbs. start on primary spring is enough. Usually anywhere from 3700-4000 rpm engagement is good for trail set up .
Good Morning Brock,
when you say 4200 rpm . is it with the stock 10-66 ?
what will be the rpm drop with 10-68

also could you tell me what is the rule of thumb for spring rating, , exemple, 140/300 vs 165/300 for engagement rpm ?

For the 140 vs 165 start rate, the 165 will engage approx 250 RPMs higher. Your wide open RPMs on those 2 springs should stay the same.
The finish angles for every increase in 10 giives 100 RPMs at wide open throttle. EX: 310 vs 320 finish.

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