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Quick Secondary Question


New Member
Twin lakes wi
I wanted to put a new secondary spring in my 2016 shorty AXYS. I took the helix out myself and let the dealer put the spring in since I didn't have a spring compressor. I put the helix back in exactly the way it came out and reinstalled it on the sled. Took it out for a test drive and when reversing the secondary opens up on engagement and the belt slips into the secondary causing the belt to slip and creating a awful noise. My question is do you have to "cock" the secondary when reinstalling the helix like an old button seconday? or did the dealer do something wrong when they put the spring in? Thanks
Only one way for spring to go in, and no twisting on helix. Same helix you had in before? Did you mess with the belt height adjuster screw to get the helix out? Did you try reverse/forward several times? several times?
didnt touch the belt height adjuster. When into reverse twice and it did the same thing both times. Hit the button to go forward and it works fine once the secondary closes.
you do have a helix cut for ER? right. the spring you have listed is going to cause a miss shift on take-off its to weak for that helix..make sure you try it a few more times ,the movable may just not be locking in the groove..
It's the same helix I used last year with no problem. It definitely has er. I got my primary balanced by Indy specialties this year and they recommended this secondary spring. They sent it back with the primary fkr me to install. Said I had belt slip on take off with the old spring. The sled rips in forward but reverse is not working like it should at all.
If you have very good traction in your sled and hooks very well that 100 start spring is never going to work on a 50° helix imo
What spring would you recommend. 1.74 gearing 68g weights. black team primary spring
50/44f helix. 120 picks
Also, a better primary spring for what you mentioned might be a 110/290, 120/300 or 120/310
I wouldn't go less than a 120 initial spring rate. Personally would prefer 140. I believe the only thing keeping the clutch sheaves together when in reverse is the initial spring strength and it's just dumping open and/or slipping.
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