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fall river ma
Years Snowmobiling
2016 switchback pro s 800
what do you guys think of this product in sleds? I've used it in all my yard equipment and vehicles for a few years.
I just use klotz octane boost as I know this product was tested and is not snake oil Letitsnow

It adds octane and helps with moisture.
Yea....yard equipment it's great for. A sophisticated, computer minded, fuel injected, modern sled....there's better products out there.

Get yourself some K100 MG bud.
Sea foam is junk. Weve done alot of testing at my work, lubercation technologies... use polaris or drag specialties. Those are the best for a fuel stab and cleaner.
Can you share any more info on these and other fuel treatment products?
Sea foam is junk. Weve done alot of testing at my work, lubercation technologies... use polaris or drag specialties. Those are the best for a fuel stab and cleaner.
I agree Tom.

I just use klotz octane boost as it does many things. Raises octane,cleans injectors,takes moisture away.
Also, it's a true product that works and has been tested to do what it says.
To many products on the shelf are just snake oil and don't do what they say.
Do you guys make all the Polaris lubricants??
I agree Tom.

I just use klotz octane boost as it does many things. Raises octane,cleans injectors,takes moisture away.
Also, it's a true product that works and has been tested to do what it says.
To many products on the shelf are just snake oil and don't do what they say.
Do you guys make all the Polaris lubricants??
I'll play devils advocate. Tested by whom,and how are the results verified. Just because you use it and have not had problems, could be said about a lot of these fuel products. Not starting a argument, looking for valid discussion.

I've been using Techron for years. When I went to GM fuel injection training class back in the early/mid 80's it was recommended by the instructors and they had data on it. I remember none of that now, but continue to use it.

Depending on where you ride, the best thing you can do is avoid ethanol fuel.
Dave, I read it in a fuel article in car and driver.
Plus iantomasi have used it for years and they were the ones who introduced me to the product and how it works and how good it was.
Plus, etg gauges show the temps as you know. 87 octane read high in temps, added klotz and temps cooled down from 1220 to 1150. That I seen myself.
At my work we engineer and devopl and test 2 and 4 stroke oils and lubercantes for all the big oem brands. Cat, doo, polaris, toro, lawn boy, johnson evinrude, mercury marine, volvo marine, troy built among a ton others. Are lab is state of the art to develop these oils then run them on our 5 dynos we have. We make chain case lube, fuel stab and cleaner, coolant, gear oil and others for all the oems to. If youbuy oem oil i make it. Alot of testing and hours go into our oils for the specific engine or whatever we are making for something.
Each to their own but I also swear by SeaFoam. Do however agree Klotz Octane Booster also works as advertised.
This is my take on fuel and additives. Use whatever fuel/ ethanol combination you want during the season. But near seasons end, switch to ethanol free premium and store your sled with it. You're good to go.
Use Stabil or whatever your choice is if you want, but do not store with ethanol.
This could be a long one. So Pro S 800,with all your testing and vast background what would you say the top 3 oils are that we could run in our 800 axys? I still have to break mine in. I was planning on using Amsoil interceptor, your thoughts?
The best additive that isn't an additive really is toluene.
10 parts to 1 is safe. It will add boost and clean .
I use sea-foam in the automotive field. It's a de carbonizeing additive usually used to break up hydro carbon deposits. Works very well for cleaning catoletic converters that don't light.
And as far as oil goes , use factory VES, which ever version of that you wish
The best additive that isn't an additive really is toluene.
10 parts to 1 is safe. It will add boost and clean .
10-1? That would be 10 gallons of gas to 1 gallon of toluene.
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Yes, do you have a better formula for mixing toluene?
Have you ever tried it?
No to both ?'s. Just seemed like a lot. i did some quick searching and on several car forums guys said it was more cost effective to use 1 gallon of race fuel for the same results and octane gain.

On a intersting note, I found that years ago in Formula 1 racing Honda used Touloune in a 86% to whatever ratio, they ran the fuel lines through the exhaust system to preheat the fuel. Crazy!!
Actually, you can add 30% toluene and be safe.
Remember, 10:1 is only 10% so it's not a lot
I've already said to much.

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