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Sled Antifreeze 50/50 Mix


Plymouth, Mi
Years Snowmobiling
2021 Indy VR1 850
2016 Rush Pro S 600
Anything special about Polaris brand anti-freeze other than it's expensive? Can't I just buy auto 50/50 premix and use that?
For the newer stuff I wouldn't be too concerned, they switched to long life OAT antifreeze like the auto mfgs are using back in 2015. Theres plenty of aluminum in autos these days so the additives should be compatable.
Anything much older than that and I'd be concerned with the rubber materials being compatible with newer antifreeze and would hunt down some of the older silicate based. I rolled the dice and put Prestones latest and greatest in my 2013 when I did a thermostat a awhile back.
Anything special about Polaris brand anti-freeze other than it's expensive? Can't I just buy auto 50/50 premix and use that?
My Polaris dealer told me to buy generic premix. He said there is no difference and the cost savings are worth it.
Good to know, the cost difference is pretty substantial.

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