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Stock 2015 Rush Pro S 800 - what mods


New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2015 Rush 800 HO PRO S
Hey PSP folks,

I picked up a bone stock 15 Rush 800 Pro S last season. I put on about 1500 miles. It feels sluggish in the mid range and WOT RPM is variable. Top speed on the speedo is in the 90-95 range depending on snow. I’ve seen a lot but can’t find a single source of what the recommended mods would be.

From what I’ve gathered, I need an exhaust, gearing, clutch work, and a PCV to get this beast to top performance.

I trail ride hard and want something reliable. Not looking to do motor work, just looking to get the best out of the stock internals and rip up some trails and buddy race between stop signs.

Can someone provide a prioritized list of what to do to this sled? Probably need a new track and picks this year too, so recommendations on that are welcome.

Hey PSP folks,

I picked up a bone stock 15 Rush 800 Pro S last season. I put on about 1500 miles. It feels sluggish in the mid range and WOT RPM is variable. Top speed on the speedo is in the 90-95 range depending on snow. I’ve seen a lot but can’t find a single source of what the recommended mods would be.

From what I’ve gathered, I need an exhaust, gearing, clutch work, and a PCV to get this beast to top performance.

I trail ride hard and want something reliable. Not looking to do motor work, just looking to get the best out of the stock internals and rip up some trails and buddy race between stop signs.

Can someone provide a prioritized list of what to do to this sled? Probably need a new track and picks this year too, so recommendations on that are welcome.

Hey there,

I have a PCV with mapping for the 15 from Dynotech that I bought for my 15 when I had it. I was very happy with the gains from it especially right in the middle. I even tried to get new mapping on for my 18 but there isn't any so I'd sell it to you for $200 shipped.
I also have a brand new, never run 1 3/8 cobra that came on my 18 but I installed the storm 150 before it ever saw a mile. I have the same track on my 16 and in my opinion it's a much better all round track than the rip 2.
Hey there,

I have a PCV with mapping for the 15 from Dynotech that I bought for my 15 when I had it. I was very happy with the gains from it especially right in the middle. I even tried to get new mapping on for my 18 but there isn't any so I'd sell it to you for $200 shipped.
I also have a brand new, never run 1 3/8 cobra that came on my 18 but I installed the storm 150 before it ever saw a mile. I have the same track on my 16 and in my opinion it's a much better all round track than the rip 2.

I'll send you a PM for that PCV.
How many miles are currently on the sled and how old is the belt? You could need a new belt and clutching refresh depending on miles. Springs wear out. This sled can really wake up with just a few small changes.
Polaris 120-310 Primary spring, 10-68 weights on stock machine.

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