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Suspension bushings


New Member
Changed out my hyrax and a couple wheels last night. Removed the suspension. Terrible design for the mount bushings. Only 1200'miles on my 15 and all 4 bushings are worn!

Is there a better design/upgrade??
Nobody has taken their suspension out of their machine and discovered excessive bushing wear. 2 in the tunnel and 2 in the rear suspension fabrication that connects to the hyrax rails.
Haven't seen any rear yet but Indy specialties is selling A arm bushings machined from bushing brass. Maybe they have rear also ?
I put in the Indy specialties on my front, really like them.
Member on HCS (in the Axys forum) is making rear bushings.
The fit great lower front were a little tight but yes big improvement, no more slop
I replaced mine with stockers. I can replace them 4 or 5 times compared to the aftermarket ones. Got 3k out of the original ones.
5300 miles on my 15. Still on my second set of A arm bushings and just put in my third set or rear bushings.

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Changed out my hyrax and a couple wheels last night. Removed the suspension. Terrible design for the mount bushings. Only 1200'miles on my 15 and all 4 bushings are worn!

Is there a better design/upgrade??

have you looked at these bushing kits from Mainway Solutions MPK02, MPK05
guaranteed to improve your ride
Indy Specialties make a kit for rear suspension also. Can buy separate or as complete kit including front A-Arm set
Nobody has taken their suspension out of their machine and discovered excessive bushing wear. 2 in the tunnel and 2 in the rear suspension fabrication that connects to the hyrax rails.


Replacing just the bushings is not always a fix.....Fitting the axle to the bushing will take the guess work out of it
These axles are made of Stainless Steel and machined to almost perfection.
Made in Canada and comes with 100% support.....any time

Replacing just the bushings is not always a fix.....Fitting the axle to the bushing will take the guess work out of it
These axles are made of Stainless Steel and machined to almost perfection.
Made in Canada and comes with 100% support.....any time

Might have to order a set of these for wife's new-to-her 16 Pro-S, and son's new-to-him 15 Pro-X. Especially since you're only hour and a half from me

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