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What oil to run?

Mike Kane

New Member
Years Snowmobiling
2017 Polaris switchback pro s 800
I have a 2017 Polaris pro s 800 I was wondering what oil to run in this sled? I want to run Klotz but just wanted to make sure it would be ok to run it? Let me know what everyone is using.
If you have confidence in it why not run it? You will get a bunch of opinions and claims here. I say as long as it's getting it and it meets the manufacturers spec you should be good to go.
I use to always run klotz love the stuff but, on the trail is hard to find it I have found most Mom and pop stores gas stations on trail have AMSOIL ! And it’s pretty good oil that is why I chose to use it in my sleds ... just food for thought
I just bought an '18 XCR Rush and i'm running Klotz. I bought a bunch online because nobody around me carries anything for 2 stroke oil except the garbage you'd run in a weed whacker.
I have always ran klotz and I ran Klotz in my 16 800 for the first season I had it and it ran fine. I cleaned the valves after that year and they were pretty dirty. Also klotz gets really thick when it gets cold and didn't like the thought of using it in a sled with electric oil pump. I have since switched to VES race don't even bother to clean valves anymore they don't need it
Have you checked the valves after running ves? Just curious how much of a difference there is.
Awesome I think I will just stick with the ves oil then!! Thanks for the feedback guys
I've been running Mystic for years and have never once had an issue with any of my sleds. I have an older 600 with over 10,000 miles on original engine and it still runs good as new! Over 5000 miles on my current AXYS and still running strong. Looked at the valves before the season and they looked great. Mystic is available at Farm and Fleet for $20/gallon. Besides, it has Levi LaVelles blessing! :D:D:D
Mystic jt4 synthetic for me. Running it since 2012ish. Haven't had to clean a set of valves yet and not one problem. Running my my 18 assualt 800 on it now since new.
Great discussion. Is OEM VES good? I know lots of people debate oil and it seems if the oil meets specs you should be fine. Why do so many seek to leave OEM behind and run klotz or AMSOIL etc... I have never been able to notice any difference and never had a failure on my engine due to oil if maintained correctly.

Maybe it’s just Ford vs. Chevy or a desire for change...lol

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