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Nytro motor vs 800 HO motor

it's a stock 2011, only thing that has been done to it is a 144 x 1.352 ice ripper.. He is a very good friend, and has a good running sled..

I tried keeping up with a 800 axys on the trail, I could not do it..when we hit some fields he was WAY to far ahead for me to catch up.. Granted the guy piloting the axys has about 20+ years riding experience over me (i'm a greenhorn, only been riding since 2008) But I also had a hard time keeping up with his 15yr old son who pretty much has the same exact sled as me...And I'll tell ya, that will piss you off a bit...lol..
That axys is a strong running sled.. I got to say, the suspension is what amazes me, It's just moves so freely..I really had a good time every time I have thrown my leg over one..Put a couple miles on a 800 pro x shorty this day...


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Fun, bit of Polaris trivia for you guys if anyone is up to it...

guess who the guy in the red coat is???

hint: anyone have a 2016 Polaris brochure???
By the sounds of this I will love it!

You will, and you picked the color i would of got if i ordered a 2016! Nice sled! You will have fun! My wife flies through the trails on her Pro s 600 and keeps up with most of my riding buddies. she does really good, she is much faster on the Pro S than she was on her Vector thats for sure!!
Last night I kept second guessing myself and wondering if I picked the right color instead of all black. I think once I see it I will Love it and be glad I didn't go with all black.

I got a couple buddies that have xf 800 and attack and they both are telling me I wont be able to keep up. Cant wait to see how the Pro S handles.
Last night I kept second guessing myself and wondering if I picked the right color instead of all black. I think once I see it I will Love it and be glad I didn't go with all black.

I got a couple buddies that have xf 800 and attack and they both are telling me I wont be able to keep up. Cant wait to see how the Pro S handles.

I'm 250 dressed, and have raced two of the pro cross 800's and both guys were a lot lighter than I was and I lit them up! The e tec is pretty close, I went back and forth against on of them. But we never switched sleds either, so no way of knowing if it was my weight. But if you guys way less than me it shouldn't be to much of a problem!
Agreed, the Axys is an awesome sled!! And I'm super happy I gave it a try! To bad last year sucked, cause I would of had a lot more seat time! But I love everything about it!

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