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Tested out new clutching and gearing


Active Member
Just got done testing out my new clutching and 1.74 gear ratio. Omg what a difference. This thing is nasty in the trails now. So much corner to corner acceleration and backshifting and upshifting is on point. Ran my Switchback against my stock axys rush 800 and clutched and geared pro r 800 and blew the side pannels off of them. Close at first but I just pulled away in the midrange and top end. Sooooo much midrange power now. I do also have the BMP full pipe. Rpms were slamming in at 8k full wot take offs and going up to 8350 rpms. Perfect. I'm sooooo happy. Thanks brock for all the help!
Thread title is misleading. Running the pipe does not show what gains clutching alone may have given you.
I see what you are saying but I've ran them with and without the pipe. Same results. The pipe just got me alot more midrange pull and throttle repsonse from what I noticed. Still pulls nice up top as well. Getting on my stock rush and then onto my Switchback it doesn't matter that it has a pipe. You noticed the clutching and gearing most out of anything. Eve. The rush rider said the same thing whe. We switched sleds
ProS800 were you at the Weenie Roast last winter? Were you lake racing after the Snow Outlaws in front of Lakewoods?
Ya I was. That weekend sacked tho cuz I had a exhaust leak I couldn't fix till I got home so I was way down on power.
Sled was all stock last year. Just a bad leak from pipe to muffler you could feel with your hand blowing out lol.
I was the guy with the Axys that was racing with you. I think you took my sled for a spin? We're you running SLP clutching then?
Ha I remember you very well man!!! No it was stock clutching, stock belt, just studs with 1200 miles. What did you have done to your sled you never told me. Just smiled when I asked lol
In all honesty, the 1.61 ratio sucks. It lags for a pipe that's made for low and mid range only(stock pipe). The clutching lags because of this ratio too. Plus the primary is a 27 straight degree now too which even up shifts quicker then the old primary which doesn't compliment the tall ratios. You got a primary that up shifts so quick. But a tall ratio(1.61). That's the problem.
If you put the old primary from a pro r on that's a dual degree that up shifts a little slower, it would compliment the taller ratio =(1.61)

Up to you guys, but there's more to be had with lower gear ratios like 1.67, 1.73,1.74. .....etc.
And not lose any top speed, actually gain.....
I was starting people on Sat. I thought your sled was running pretty good. Lots of fast stuff at the weenie roast.

The gearing, clutching and pipe will turn your sled into an animal. We'll have to run them again this winter.
Ya my sled definitely was not on point that weekend. I could feel a big power loss in the low and midrange from that gasket being blown out and could feel the exhaust leak with my hand at idle. It still picked up on the top and but it felt like a turd down low hahahaha. Your sled was fast. Still not gonna tell me what was done it it huh lol. Ya the clutching, gearing, pipe really opened it up in the 1000 feet mark omg. It's a animal in the trails now. Ya I'll be back up there for the weenie roasr. Come find me!!!
Clutched, pipe, geared 1.73 and PCV. I'm usually pretty open about what's been done to my sled. About where your sled is at now.

I'm hoping to get a group of trail studded 800 trail sleds together at the Weenie Roast. You'll probably smoke me this year! It'll be fun either way!
Nice! I need to get me a pcv also. Bet that does wonders. Idk about that your sled seemed pretty fast last year lol. All in fun tho!!! That weekend was so fun. First time I've ever been there lol. Ya I'd love to trail ride with you guys! I got a couple 800 cat and ski doo buddies that would come to. Can't wait!!!
Thread title is misleading. Running the pipe does not show what gains clutching alone may have given you.
I agree!
I think comparing his Rush that is not out of break in, and no studs against a sled that is pipped, clutched, geared , studded and broken in is really no comparison!
Just got done testing out my new clutching and 1.74 gear ratio. Omg what a difference. This thing is nasty in the trails now. So much corner to corner acceleration and backshifting and upshifting is on point. Ran my Switchback against my stock axys rush 800 and clutched and geared pro r 800 and blew the side pannels off of them. Close at first but I just pulled away in the midrange and top end. Sooooo much midrange power now. I do also have the BMP full pipe. Rpms were slamming in at 8k full wot take offs and going up to 8350 rpms. Perfect. I'm sooooo happy. Thanks brock for all the help!
Break in Rush, add studs, and the right weights and spring then compare against your switchback. Then that should show how much of a different gearing made. Really 5 sleds against a sled stock not out of break in is not really a big gain. Imo
And im not trying to start a argument!
I don't really need to compare to another sled. I rode mine 1500 miles stock before I did any mods. Trust me. It's way faster. And we never went from a stop just rolls because of no studs. More testing will be done next week now my lake Is frozen and studs are going on the rush and out of break in mode. I'll have video for these test runs and a marked 1200 foot track
This race was only about 600 feet rolling and thays how much I took off before we both let off because we weren't trying to beat on the rush.

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