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Pipe shoot out dec 22

We are locked and loaded. Sled on the trailer. Dyno prepped . Fuel cans a few parts and a few tools ..... Brock is meeting me early in the am and we are off! Going to be a long day . But worth every minute !
Biggest pipe shoot out ever !
So excited to be a part of this!
Two thumbs up to Brock to putting this together and inviting me to be a part of this.
Especially since I am the new guy on the Polaris block!!
Looking forward to meeting new friends tomorrow !
Way too much fun !Sled1Sled2SmileyFaces7
I think I am buying dinner lol!!!
Hoping to watch tomorrow. Maybe one of you can post here when things will start if cams are on. Doo2Poo in DT's early years pipe shootouts were common
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Hoping to watch tomorrow. Maybe one of you can post here when things will start if cans are on. Doo2Poo in DT's early years pipe shootouts were common
Yes that is true . My first trip to DT was in 89' ... but I think this might be the the tsunami of pipe shoot outs ! It's been a long time since there has been this much to test in one day on the same engine!

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