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Staff member
Will County, Illinois
Years Snowmobiling
since 1976
AXYS Switcher 800,Indy600sp,XCSP600ves

I am leary of magnetic weights, for fear of the magnet flying out, but they are becoming popular. Opinions on these SSI weights? Price is reasonable at $124. Is the magnet close enough to the heel end and the tip end?
I have heard guys say as far as the Dalton/Cutler setscrew adjustables that you can't get enough weight on the heal end.


I am leary of magnetic weights, for fear of the magnet flying out, but they are becoming popular. Opinions on these SSI weights? Price is reasonable at $124. Is the magnet close enough to the heel end and the tip end?
I have heard guys say as far as the Dalton/Cutler setscrew adjustables that you can't get enough weight on the heal end.

View attachment 803
I'm interested in those too. I'll have to call Erich on what the profile curve is like though??
Looks very 10ish,but looks are deceiving. Also looks like the tip weight is more end of mid tip.
they are the same as BMPs ill try and get a pic of a 10- and these side by side ..........
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Heath do you think the weight hole is close enough to the heel end and to the tip?
On the heal ,yes . I would like to see the tip adjustment further out myself, but it is what it is... Lol what I want to know is how many magnets does it take per hole to get the weight back to where it was before it was machined . This way you will know how much added weight ur installing at each spot. Extra I mean
In your second and 3rd pic, you can't go by the tip resting on something. Has to be the heel in a Polaris clutch. The end looks pretty thin on top.
I agree with rd.
Nice pics, but the tip can't be resting on a table like that to see the actual profile.

You need a jig so a bolt can exactly be were pin placement is on clutch(duplicated) from the start.

I have the ssi weights in my sled and a set of 10 series 70 grams as well. It seems with the ssi weights are more aggressive. Trying to mess with springs right now to get it engaged lower rpm. Engages 4,700-4,800 with the ssi weights and a 140/310 spring. Same spring with 70 gram weights 10 series engaged at 4,200. I have 3 magnets in the heel, 1 middle, 3 tip. For a total weight of 70 grams.
Sounds like the ssi weights have more heel cut then the 10 series because of engagement with same 140/310 spring.
A cut heel raises engagement.
I have the ssi weights in my sled and a set of 10 series 70 grams as well. It seems with the ssi weights are more aggressive. Trying to mess with springs right now to get it engaged lower rpm. Engages 4,700-4,800 with the ssi weights and a 140/310 spring. Same spring with 70 gram weights 10 series engaged at 4,200. I have 3 magnets in the heel, 1 middle, 3 tip. For a total weight of 70 grams.
alot of tip weight will make it engage higher
I have the ssi weights in my sled and a set of 10 series 70 grams as well. It seems with the ssi weights are more aggressive. Trying to mess with springs right now to get it engaged lower rpm. Engages 4,700-4,800 with the ssi weights and a 140/310 spring. Same spring with 70 gram weights 10 series engaged at 4,200. I have 3 magnets in the heel, 1 middle, 3 tip. For a total weight of 70 grams.
How are your topend RPMS with the SSI weights and the magnets at 3-1-3?
Is it bad thing to have a little higher engagement? I think it would be a good thing unless you are a slower touring rider?

I am leary of magnetic weights, for fear of the magnet flying out, but they are becoming popular. Opinions on these SSI weights? Price is reasonable at $124. Is the magnet close enough to the heel end and the tip end?
I have heard guys say as far as the Dalton/Cutler setscrew adjustables that you can't get enough weight on the heal end.

View attachment 803
How about the heavy hitters? I wish I seen them before I bought cutlers.

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