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Search results

  1. mcAxysSB44

    Studding a SB 800

    Thanks Jet800! Good info right there...
  2. mcAxysSB44

    Studding a SB 800

    Mine will be the 800 SB...
  3. mcAxysSB44

    Studding a SB 800

    Just seeing how many studs you guys put in your SB's last year. At first I was thinking 2 studs per row (2 singles or 1 double) but now I am thinking 3 studs per row (1 single w/ 1 double). -I will be getting the ripsaw 2 Also, if you ran 3 studs per row what carbides did you have under the skis?
  4. mcAxysSB44

    Who ordered a 2016?

    I ordered a 2016 Pro S 800 SB...black. My first Polaris other than the kids Polaris 120.
  5. mcAxysSB44

    Kids Indy 120?

    I can't remember what engine is in it. I'd go look for you but it's in the trailer and tucked away in the garage. I would assume Polaris doesn't make the engines for these...
  6. mcAxysSB44

    Kids Indy 120?

    I have one for my kids. It's a 2007 Polaris 120. My daughter is 6yrs old now and she has been riding it 2 winters now. My 3yr old boy hasn't rode it yet (wasn't ready for it last winter). Pros: -Kids love it -suspension is pretty good -easy to ride -easy to start -very light...you can pick it...
  7. mcAxysSB44

    gates vs polaris belt

    That could be a good thing...hopefully it will lead to Polaris dropping the price of their belt!
  8. mcAxysSB44

    PIDD gauge

    I decided to save the money and also go with the 4-yr warranty instead of the IDD. Don't get me wrong I love everything about the IDD and I think it is an awesome option to be on a sled. But- at the end of the day when I think back...95% of the time I am on trails that I don't need a map or gps...
  9. mcAxysSB44

    Nytro motor vs 800 HO motor

    My Nytro xtx was a real good runner. With the 144" studded track combined with the clutch kit and that sled was one quick sled. My bud still has his 09 RTX SE and his and my Nytro would give a lot of 800's fits in a short race. If it was a long race the 800's would start pulling away of course...
  10. mcAxysSB44

    Welcome to Polaris Star Power!!!

    The site looks great and easy to navigate! I also 'liked' it on FB...
  11. mcAxysSB44

    MSN, Hotmail, Live, Outlook.com Email Accounts

    Thanks! It took a bit but I finally found the 'safe senders list' to add @polarisstarpower.com
  12. mcAxysSB44

    2016 Axys Pro s 800ho SB

    2016 Axys Pro s 800ho SB

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