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I have 2 2014 polaris's maybe next year if they come out with a switchback Assult axys
I snowchecked a pro s switchback 600 voodoo blue. Traded my Nytro. My first polaris and really excited about it
I Am selling my wife's nytro, snow checked her a Pro S 600 switchy. Fingers are crossed this was a good decision. Her Nytro has been flawless, but it's just too much for her. Trying to slow her down and give her a bit more comfort.
Man I wish the Pro S LE came in a SB cause I would have already traded mine in! The LE is the best deal!! To bad it's just a rush. Maybe next year the rush will be a 129"...
I was waiting for an assault but I'm going to sell my rmk and make my assault more off trail friendly and get a pro x for trail.

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