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2017 Assualt owners a ? for trail users.


Staff member
Will County, Illinois
Years Snowmobiling
since 1976
AXYS Switcher 800,Indy600sp,XCSP600ves
Do any of you intend for your Assualt to be 100% trail use only? I have no interest in off trail. For me off trail means I am turning around or missed a corner. I know the Assualt has tipped rear rails. As did the 2012 Pro R switcher and the Axys switcher. No matter how it is spun 144 is still a long sled. I am interested in comments based on trail use only this upcoming season.
That is so interesting to hear how some just like groomed trail only. I am well aware of different tastes to different folk but curious to why just trails RD? I just can't imagine missing out on some of that.
I have rode mountains, logging roads, power lines, open farm fields, pasture land, lakes, rivers, picked my way though forest (tree riding), groomed trail, water running etc and loved it all. Hope to get some new experiences as well.
Dave, my first 144 was a Nytro XTX from a handful of years ago. It was my first attempt at a track that was longer than the 137's I was used to at the time. Tipped up rails and 1.25" RipSaw track to make it more trail friendly. I purchased strictly for on trail. I was pleasantly surprised how well it handled the trails of WI and the UP. Plus, it had longer legs than the shorter 121" those times we'd line them up. It was a good blend of a groomed trail machine and a breaking trail machine. Did it handle like a 121"....absolutely not! But was it acceptable in comparison to my 137"....for sure! Having the 144 gave me the option to go places where I wouldn't try on my shorter track sleds. Did I attempt deeper off trail areas when I had the longer track, sure did. It was fun and all, but I still am and will continue to be a trail rider.

Fast forward to current....I've got a '16 137" Pro X and a now a new 144" Assault that I plan to keep strictly to the trail. Having this completely revitalized 144 machine and manipulating it to be a trail machine I believe is completely possible. It's all about the set-up. It too has Tipped up rails and a small lug track. It's definitely lighter than my Yamaha of old and handles 5 times better. Will it be the new XCR in the trails....NOPE! Will it be better balanced than a 137" Pro S or X....I think so. The geometry of the new IGX is going to set this machine apart from most. Time will tell whether or not it's a trail runner or not.

Sometimes you just gotta go for it and roll the dice!
That is so interesting to hear how some just like groomed trail only. I am well aware of different tastes to different folk but curious to why just trails RD? I just can't imagine missing out on some of that.
I have rode mountains, logging roads, power lines, open farm fields, pasture land, lakes, rivers, picked my way though forest (tree riding), groomed trail, water running etc and loved it all. Hope to get some new experiences as well.

Some of what you included could be part of my "trails only" really. Off trail means no powder riding, picking through trees, no mountains. I don't understand the mountain climber that looks at getting stuck as part of the fun. Not knocking any of it. I prefer hardpack, a inch of fresh is just right. When I started riding in the 70's, we just took off and rode. A lot of what you desribe was common in Illinois. Fields,ditchs,lakes,rivers, cross country riding in a sense. When I first went to Wisconsin in the late 70's, trail riding, it was like WOW. Legalized racing. I have been hooked on the Northwoods ever since. Getting stuck in powder now and trying to get out would give me a heart attack!
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Seams like a question for later in the season after the 2017 sleds have been on the trails for a few miles. Sled1
Yep read it all. Stand by my comment. Speculation gets nothing but that.Sled2
I'm a 60/40 trail and free ride

I'll see how it compares to my switch? It's gonna be hard to beat because the 137" switch was by far the best all around trail sled I've ever owned. Mind you , I had to tweak my suspension to exactly what I wanted. After that, it was a dream

My new assault has some pretty big shoes to fill

We'll see ?
I agree with Brock's last comment. My Switch 137" is a damn good trail sled, "Once suspension was dialed in". The best I've ever ridden. I wouldn't call myself a 60/40 with the Pro-S I've been riding. Definitely more trail miles for me. Probably 90/10. I've poked off trail a few times after some BIG SNOW and the Pro-S definitely isn't an off trail machine when you're sitting on a pile of fresh white. My new Assault has some big shoes to fill for sure. I have high hopes of it being close to the 137" for trail manners but I'm itching to see this 144" pop off trail and eat some Powdah without trenching its a** deep. I'm hoping she does extremely well on trail and brings Big Grins to my face when I pull off trail. A TRUE 50/50 sled was my objective when I bought in on the new Assault.

Like Brock said, We'll see ?
Although I've only got 181 miles on my 17 Assault, I'm very impressed with its trail manners. I've only had two 137" skid sleds in my lifetime(I've owned over 30 sleds...most of them short tracks) with one being my 2012 GSX-SE 800 and my 2015 Renegade 800. But I find this 144" IGX equipped Assault to handle better than both. It handles as well as my '16 Pro S but has more advantages. It accelerates and stops better. I don't feel the extra length at all. I felt the extra length of the 137 Doo's. The weight transfer is excellent. It still has the "fun" factor the Rush did. Once other Assault riders get some time on the new sleds, I'm sure you will hear the same thing from them.
I'm hearing reports from a couple casual trail sled guys that rear suspension doesn't work that good in chatter bumps. I could see that with it being set up for more aggressive riding
It is set up too stiff from the factory. I had to turn all my clickers down. Front Ski springs are set way too stiff for trail riding. I'm still tweaking. I think it will be perfect after 1000 miles. Just needs some break in.
I don't usually start adjusting suspension til at least 500 miles. When I first got on it the rear hardly moved with the torsion springs in the softest position. Now after 100 miles the rear end has softened considerably. Patience guys as after some miles they really soften up. I can hardly wait til I have to adjust either shock or spring on the trail...not. What was Polaris thinking when they made the accessibility to these shocks to adjust? :mad: How hard would it have been to have a remote reservoir for the front skid shock like on the older Pro X?
Got 200 miles on mine now. Last 100 miles was after the last dump we had in NNY of 36". My previous sled was a 12 Pro R Switch. I absolutely love this sled. On or off trail it handles great. Mid range is pull the bars out of your hands and make sure your pointed the right way when you put the throttle to the bar! Corners are easy peasy with some body English. I'm an active rider and am constantly moving about. I did notice with this machine my knees are not banging on the front plastic( I'm 6'4") off trail or fresh powder no problems either, I did put the grippers on from the git go as well as 7.5" shapers. Crossing Stillwater reservoir there was easy 2' fresh snow and 8" slush under that, no issue whatsoever. Hit the throttle and it pops right up, little weight on running board and pull twist to the bars and around you go. I was able to play all the way across. End of the day couple of rr beds to get home we opened them up real good. I was able to hit 108 on speedo, buddy who has same sled hit 111, 112, then 115! F'in A, I don't know how far off speedo is but damn they are fast. I will rerun and check with GPS for accuracy. I have done zero mods and only adjusted shocks to full soft minus 2 all the way around. Rear torsion spring at full soft.
I have 700 miles on my 17 Switchback Assault and the majority of them have been on the trail at this point. I came of a 15 Ski-Doo Renegade XRS (137 track). The sled overall is a way better than the XRS. It turns better from the get go, than the XRS did in the 4K miles I rode it. Overall the trail manners are great, only the 2 footers down the trail was the XRS better, but I am sure that is the uncoupled vs. coupled skid. It never felt out of control, I could not get on the top of them it felt, granted I am still learning the sled's manners and don't push it too much yet. I didn't mind it on the chatter bumps, but the longer skid might be helping with that. It does not feel like a longer sled at all. The only adjustments I have done it the torsion block to stiff, since I am a 260 lb rider without gear. I am sure with some tweaking I will get even better.
Here's were I'm at with my assault.

I did 400 miles of groomed,moguls ,chatters to break it in. Thought I had the suspension broke in mostly.Nope.:eek:

Went to Quebec,loaded my premium bag with clothes. Two ski Doo saddle bags with 12 litres of oil. More clothes under seat. Rode 760 miles. Now the suspension is broke in. It's nice now. Plush you might say,lol :D . I changed the ifs clickers only to 4, fts spring to one inch, clickers on four, rts soft and clickers on four.

This suspension is now broken in nicely.:D Now I'm tweaking in for fast trail and to rail corners better. I'm setting it up for trail use mostly. It's made to wheelie and get up on the snow and it does it very well in stock form.I'm changing that for more groomed trail use. Pulled front limiter,fts spring at one inch, ifs lowered a half inch. Now the track attack angle is flatter ( the way I like for more speed)

Just need more now to test :Banghead
Dave just wait and Sno-Check the 129" or 137" SB they come out with with the IGX Skid
That is a possibility. A 144 never would be. Also possible is a Doo 1200 4smoke 129. Heavy 4 stroke comments need not apply! In reality , it is doubtful I would be buying anything this spring, with winter in the shitter again this season. A new trailer is a strong possibility though.

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