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BMP? A ? for Joey


Staff member
Will County, Illinois
Years Snowmobiling
since 1976
AXYS Switcher 800,Indy600sp,XCSP600ves
Joey, below is your AXYS 800 dyno chart, comparing the oem pipe to your setups. This dyno chart and statement is taken from the BMPwebsite page on your AXYS800 pipe. "Big mid-range to peak horsepower gains"
I see your pipe making less hp and torgue from roughly 7,200 to 7,800 rpm. How is that big mid range gains?
axys_stage_tune_2016_3 bmp.jpg
with the pipe by itself you will see a dip in hp, as with most pipes , add the bullydog and pipe and bingo
We could but what fun would that be , lol
Personally I wouldnt sell you shit , it would never be good enough !!!
Just looking for complete honesty on a product, with no reading between the lines needed. Maybe you don't feel that way.
Just looking for complete honesty on a product, with no reading between the lines needed. Maybe you don't feel that way.
so if he says yep it lost a little in the mid for a top gain are you gonna buy 1 ??
Flasch, Why are you so worried about this? The original ? was not directed to you. Are you a BMP spokesman?
more to the mix

Was this the test were the correction factor was off and numbers were skewd
Because everything you buy there is something wrong with it !!!!
What are you baseing that claim on? Why am I not allowed to ask questions in your eyes? Why don't you let BMP speak for themselves? I ask you again, Do you speak for BMP?
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I think questions are fine IMHO. Regardless of who's stuff it is.
What are you baseing that claim on? Why am I not allowed to ask questions in your eyes? Why don't you let BMP speak for themselves? I ask you again, Do you speak for BMP?
No I don't speak for bmp , I can read graphs , so I guess I understand what the pipe does , did you contact slp and ask them why there pipe lacks some midrange power 2 compared too stock ?

The facts are on the sheets !
Don't like the results ?
Don't want too buy a tuner ?

Then don't buy it period !
Dave no offense but have you ever modded a sled? Bolt a pipe up to any axys and they all loose midrange power. Bikeman doesnt wanna sell you a pipe without a tuner cuz then all they get is people complaing like you. You are nit picking 400 rpms of midrange. Spend the money and mod it right and you gain that midrange back and more. Its pretty awesome how you can run their pipewith no tunner. I did for over 800 miles and no dets. Still beat stock and modded sleds. Put on a tune and it really opened that pipe and motor up. Look at anyones pipe for the axys. They all drop without a tunner. Are you gonna ask those companys?
Yes I have Pro S. Whether anyone here believes it or not, I have been around the block. I know my way around. I read dyno charts like all of you. Many don't. Go back to the beginning. It is their advertising, I am trying to get across here. Not everyone is on facebook, some guys go by what they read on a product page. If after their statement " "Big mid-range to peak horsepower gains" it said "you also need xxx???" to achieve these results, I would never have started this. None of you think someone won't buy it based on the product description alone? Corner to corner a stock AXYS will pull this pipe {yeah others too} in the midrange. BMP is a advertiser here, others aren't,why shouldn't BMP be questioned? Open your minds guys.

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