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Power Commander 5


New Member
Clear Lake, WI
Has anyone used the PCV? I'm sure if you have done the work you won't want to share your maps, but I will ask anyways. Anyone here willing to share your maps?
I've done some maps at dtr and another guy has too. There should be some out soon to share.
Fuel and timing to clean it up from factory.
What gains or differences did you find?
I said it in another thread in here already.:D

We done a map with fuel and timing and made 4 hp gain. Similar after market companies have done this too. Fuel and timing on stock can be more efficient and gain some hp.
It's not about the gain as much as it's about being more efficient.:)
I see bully dog makes one for the axys to bit it's more expensive. Does it allow you to adjust more then the pcv
I see bully dog makes one for the axys to bit it's more expensive. Does it allow you to adjust more then the pcv
It works different than the Powercore V the Bullydog actually reprograms the ECU not manipulate the stock map like the PCV does. It also reads engine codes, and can record data logs
It saves the stock program before it puts the new one on so you can put it back to stock. I'm not sure if Polaris and the ecu are sophisticated enough to tell its been reflashed or not. Definitely will void warranty if they find out you have had either don't leave the Velcro on when you pull the pcv to take it to dealer they know what it's for lol.

One cool thing about bullydog is you flash the ecu and take it off no way for snoopy buddies to know you even have a tune
I ran a PC3 on my 07 Harley, a 5 on my 2010 IQ800 and currently a 5 on my 2010 Harley. No issues with any.
I ran a PC3 on my 07 Harley, a 5 on my 2010 IQ800 and currently a 5 on my 2010 Harley. No issues with any.
Great Dave I'm happy for you ! Just telling you guys are experience with the pcv, if you run 1 I would have a spare cause it's no fun walking ...
We have had multiple failures , never did get a positive answer from power commander what the issue or issues are .
Hmmmm, I have never seen a pcv fail yet??

Not saying they don't, just my experience.
Hmmmm, I have never seen a pcv fail yet??

Not saying they don't, just my experience.

The only time I have seen them fail is when they were installed incorrectly or had a pulled out wire.

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