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Sled for my wife

fall river ma
Years Snowmobiling
2016 switchback pro s 800
hey guys looking at a sled for my wife. Not looking to break the bank here. I can get a 06 600 fusion, studded, 4600 miles for $2650, any thoughts here would be much appreciated. She has only ridden 550 fans. I know the 900's were trash but looking for whatever input on this 600 fuse.
Good starter sled but heavy steering due to poor spindles. I had one and put 2010 rush spindles on. Any IQ or shift 600 is a perfect sled.
So replace the spindles and it'd be a good starter sled. Other than that it's a good price for year and mileage?
I had 2 of them. First of Polaris rider forward sleds. Very similar to today's Indy except seating is a little lower, But much better than the Edge ever was for me. One of Polaris best trail sleds. Heavy steering is subjective IMO, I would let her ride it first. Be sure to look over the carb intake manifold's. They crack and delaminate very easy. New ones are a good piece of mind. Stock clutching is fine for someone coming from 550fan. There is a little more if you want to spend a few bucks. I would check to see if the timing was bumped up to 28 degree's. Thats 2 degrees over stock and made 90% of them run much better. The best improvement you can do to a Fuse600 is the timing bump. $2650 is in the ballpark based on condition. Any pics? What else can you tell us about it? This was my last one.

So if I purchase this Dave I'm gonna need a 2 sled trailer. Is a clamshell gonna be a pain in the neck to load and unload? I know it would be my cheapest option, especially going used.
I have been running Triton clamshells since 1991
I don't have much input from from it he had 2 black n blue fusions that he traded in. He lived in New York. It's a 3 hour ride for me to go and look at it. I just wanted the skinny on the fuse and about a 2 spot trailer. I will ask dealer how the manifolds look and see if he knows about the timing being advanced.
If a dealer is selling it, do they offer any kind of warranty?
If I were you i would look for an iq. You should be able to pick up the early ones in good condition for about the same money. An 09 can go for as little as 3k up here.

Clam shell trailers are great. Inexpensive, light and easy to use.

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