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I ran the same 50/44 on a tss04 going with a tied set up this year of 68/63f suppose to be very close a wise man told me on this site
An even wiser man told me a 66-61 Tied helix if you want to best mirror the 50-44 FP TSS-04 helix....

68-63 is slightly more aggressive, especially in the finish angle, but can be done. The 63 finish angle is closer to a 46 finish angle on a TSS-04 helix.

66-61 FP Tied helix is custom cut ramp by Venom. Right now, they're about 4 weeks out to complete requests.
I ordered mine about a month ago 66-61 is the other angle I ordered i hear it's about 18 degrees different from tied to tss04 lucky for us we have two wise men here lol
Food for thought. The other side of the 64-60 is a 66-62. Not sure 1* will make that big of a difference, it could, but it seems like a 66-62 would be close enough to decide if a 66-61 would be worth trying. The 64-60 is noticeably better on the 700cfi & the 800cfi-2 , and I would guess a good starting point for for the new 800. IMO the venom 68-63/66-61 would give two angles that would be worth trying. The other side of the team 68-63 is a 70-65 which realy only gives one angle that might work.
Some say it's a 14* difference, so a 64-60 would be a 50-46. Didn't see the 68-63/66-61 listed on the venom site.
If you guys need custom helix cut, give Erich at SSI a call, they have fast delivery as they cut the helix in house. Any angles ,any combo you want. TSS-04 or Tied
Agreed, you guys will have to wait for snow. Mike is coming to the shop next wkend to test his sled on the treadmill, lol. I can't remember what angles he has. I will keep you guys informed. I however am thinking 70-63f on one side and 72-62 on the other , custom cut for the 840 and just to drag..
What was determined to be the helix to run for a Team Tied to best match what most seem to run for the TSS-04 (which is 48-44 or 50-44)?

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