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Top Speed?


New Member
I have 2 new AXYS 800's, one is the 15' pro X rush (it was a left over) and a 16' pro S switch. Both machines have 6 hours and 150 miles on the clock now. Finally started to do some short wot pulls lasting maybe 6-8 seconds on the pro x shorty and so far the fastest mph on the gauge was 91mph.
The rpm seems to stay about 8200-8300 on these blasts and seems fast but just wanting to check if this seems about right. The condition's were about +5f on a crusted snow pack on top of the few day old groomed trail, sea level here in Alaska.
Edit- I should note that this pro x shorty has the back country 1.75" track with the stock 22:41-70 gearing (1.86 ratio)

I haven't compared it yet to the 16' switch at wot but have noticed some other running differences, my 15' seems to have the low idle issue (about 200 rpm less than the switch). I plan on check/adjusting the tps on the 15'. Other than low idle it seems to run fine and holds the rpm.
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i have a 15 switch prox stock gearing best i have ever done is 98 mph on hard pack. i also have diffrent spring in primary (140-330) and secondary(120-220). still have stock weight not over reving either.
i am wanting to do ssi pipe mod after reading all the shoot out forums. i may gear down just a hair after that for more top end, its already a beast down low and can pull skis till i rip back flap off...(again) . curious what will happen havent seen many pro x forums.
Ok, thanks for the info. Mine is still in break in mode I suppose at only 150 miles, I am sure it will get better as it loosens up more. Was also running in eth mode to be safe, 90 oct is the best we get at the pumps.
I have the SLP pipe kit and a clutch kit yet to go on once we get it broke in some more, unfortunately I guess the slp didn't do as well at the pipe shootout. I guess will just be happy with the weight savings and sound it offers. Like you said, they are a beast down low!
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How fast do you wanna go with that 1.75" track and the tall stance of the pro x model??
Honestly I think it is plenty fast enough for me getting in to the 90's, I just keep reading about some people well in to the triple digits and was curious if mine was not performing as it should. I realize now that those machines hitting those numbers were switchs or s models with different tracks and gearing.
i would like to hit 110-120 to match what i could do on my 11 sba. it had after market 1.75 inch on it.. i have great low end on axys pro x (even better plyain with clutch.) and im thinkin with a pipe i will be able to pull a slightly lower gear without giveing up much bottom for top
My bone stock 15 pro x ran 102 on speedo. On compressed lake top snow in relatively short distance then it stopped gaining. My buddies recall on his 16 is 102 on flat track road so that's pretty much what you can expect in great conditions. They both typically run 98 on trail snow , but not for long gonna turn that up a wee bit. Lol
You wa
i would like to hit 110-120 to match what i could do on my 11 sba. it had after market 1.75 inch on it.. i have great low end on axys pro x (even better plyain with clutch.) and im thinkin with a pipe i will be able to pull a slightly lower gear without giveing up much bottom for top
you want to gear an x lower? I wouldn't recommend that. If you plan on running more mph. Depending on what pipe you run you should be able to grab a few mph in rpm alone. And as others have said the right belt, clutching and maybe a lil tinkering on the primary should get you high up in the primary and pretty deep into the overdrive. If that doesn't get you where you want to be your most likely gonna have to gear UP a lil bit.
sorry im offen backwards on gearing lower mean higher numbers and higher means lower numbers. my bad i would like to drop gears to a 1.80 ratio or closest option to it nothing drastic
I kinda figured that's what you meant. I've played with the gearing on mine and at this point I like the stock gearing or maybe a tooth up Seemed ok also. If you can show 107-108 that pretty much a true 100
i would like to hit 110-120
in the red.

I hope you're kidding by saying that for a pro x ??

The only way a pro x would do that is if you slam it down to about 3 inches of travel and a 1/2" lug track with 192+ chiseles ,lol

But seriously.

I don't think you'd wanna go any taller gear ratio for a pro x with a 1.75" track then a 1.79 ratio in my opinion. That will give you about 4 mph more.
nope not kidding maybe dreaming a bit lol.
i will never drop track size this thing hooks up and gone. it was decideing factor of purchase.
thanks for info brock. but before i do any gearing i would like to try another heli any suggestions? im flat land - 3000 ft.
i ride some trial but normally its ditch banging or poweder if i can find it and will not give up all the down low fun for top speed. just be nice to pass that 10 crossfire 800 on those wot lake runs.
Ok, thanks for the info. Mine is still in break in mode I suppose at only 150 miles, I am sure it will get better as it loosens up more. Was also running in eth mode to be safe, 90 oct is the best we get at the pumps.
I have the SLP pipe kit and a clutch kit yet to go on once we get it broke in some more, unfortunately I guess the slp didn't do as well at the pipe shootout. I guess will just be happy with the weight savings and sound it offers. Like you said, they are a beast down low!
I have 2 new AXYS 800's, one is the 15' pro X rush (it was a left over) and a 16' pro S switch. Both machines have 6 hours and 150 miles on the clock now. Finally started to do some short wot pulls lasting maybe 6-8 seconds on the pro x shorty and so far the fastest mph on the gauge was 91mph.
The rpm seems to stay about 8200-8300 on these blasts and seems fast but just wanting to check if this seems about right. The condition's were about +5f on a crusted snow pack on top of the few day old groomed trail, sea level here in Alaska.
Edit- I should note that this pro x shorty has the back country 1.75" track with the stock 22:41-70 gearing (1.86 ratio)

I haven't compared it yet to the 16' switch at wot but have noticed some other running differences, my 15' seems to have the low idle issue (about 200 rpm less than the switch). I plan on check/adjusting the tps on the 15'. Other than low idle it seems to run fine and holds the rpm.
Stock I had 103 mph changed my clutching. A little and have hit 106 mph on recall on standard gauge pro X switch, and no I wouldn't want to go any faster then that lol
Why you so worried about going fast on a PRO X its a PRO X set up for ditch banging totally wrong setup for top end. You are lucky you are getting 90+
We are up to 106 on speedo up from 102. 400 miles 16 proX. Gates belt 290ish finish primary 10-68 stock secondary. Stock prox gearing. Still a lil over rev. But was just something thrown in to see. Shifting out well. No smear or residue. So it's capable of that with good shift out although wh n we pull the over rev down a hundred it may lose or gain a touch in mph.
Here is my 2016 800 Axys Shorty from today. Screen shot from my GoPro - file was to large to upload. Sled has 100 miles on it, Stock Pipe, Polaris Belt, Stock Gears, 84 Carbide Studs, Stock Ride Height. Clutch set up came from a former grass racer in Central Maine - he had a lot of success racing the Pro Circuit here in the Northeast - he understands clutching - I do not. Please don't ask for the clutching - I have no idea whats in it, sorry. JUst wanted to post something positive - love the sled so far, light, handles great and fast. Polaris has hit a homerun with this platform. The guy who installed the kit has a 15 with 2000 miles - original Polaris Belt and Ironically when this pic was taken was about a sled length ahead of mine. About a half mile run +-


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Pro S - should have said that 1.25 Ripsaw. Here is the 15 ahead of me. His top speed was 120...but he would pull me from 40-80 about 2 sled lengths.
There's no way these 800s are doing 120mph. Put a GPS on that and I am betting 106-108.
Even that's pretty damn good for this style chassis.

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