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Weenie roast drag races in cable WI

Where's the videos? All of us with no snow would like to live vicariously through you guys who are riding!!!
A rider died there Friday so things may have been cancelled. Have not heard more.
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I know many people been getting fed up with Lakewoods and there ridiculous prices.All the outlaw snow guys are pulling out for next year and holding snow drag at Chetek during the Nssr speed runs weenie roast weekend. It looks like the weenie roast will be a flop next year.
Crazy how a community can ruin a good thing..
I didn't even think it was that crazy this year. Not sure how much lake woods charges cuz I rent out a house when I go up there but it's really cheap. There wasn't as many people there this year as last year. Still a way fun time
I had a blast to. We stayed in Hayward rent two cabins cost us 73 a guy for the weekend. From what I seen tho st Germaine is a better set up. Look out for this guy next year


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We stayed in a cabin on lake owen about a 20 min sled ride away. Was way cheaper then lake woods lol. That will be a nice sled to get!

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