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Jaws pipe heatshield


New Member
Twin Citys, MN
Years Snowmobiling
2015 Switchback 800 Pro s 60th Anniversary
Has anyone seen or have a picture of the Jaws pipe with there heatshield on it yet? Is the heatshield smooth or did they stamp JAWS into it? After emailing with Jaws for the last two weeks, they don't seem to be able to show me a picture of the pipe with the heatshield on it.
Ya I'm in the holding pattern here waiting to see what's going on with the heat shields and some test results to see if they work well to keep more heat in that pipe.
Haulin has it on his jaws already, so does bigfuse.
Maybe they can load a pic ?
My file is too big but there isn't anything written on the pipe. No Jaws stamped on it or nothing. It's just like the heat shield on the stocker.
Just spoke to Jaws they are still waiting for more stamping hopefully soon
Jaws emailed me 157 Canadian. Should have more ready to ship next week.(per email) they also said no fuel controller needed on 17 model. Just for info. Here is my question are the shields to protect sled or keep under hood heat down a lil OR are they to keep heat in the pipe. And to the guys that have them if it is to keep the heat in pipe did you notice a difference in runability ,performance ,or consistency with them ?
Are there any drawbacks other than cosmetics to just using header wrap ?

Same question here. I am sure they are improving the fit/finish. Not really impressed with finish on the pictured one here, but given its most likely a early release.... why not a wrap then?
Looks like some ball peen work is needed along the bumper side.
Fuse .did you notice any performance,runability ,or consistency gains with the use of the shields ? I like the idea of keeping more heat in that pipe but did the shields make a noticeable difference. ?
Fuse .did you notice any performance,runability ,or consistency gains with the use of the shields ? I like the idea of keeping more heat in that pipe but did the shields make a noticeable difference. ?
I never rode it without the heat shield so I really don't know. I'm pretty sure that it would make it more consistent with the heat shield tho. The shield is easily removed to. Just pull the springs off and the shield comes off in two pieces.

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