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Active Member
Years Snowmobiling
2019 Polaris Rush 800
Anybody else get theirs yet?

Polaris Industries Inc. is issuing a Stop Ride notice to owners of Model Year 2021-2023 MATRYX, 2015-2022 AXYS and select Model Year 2013-2014 Trail Performance (Pro-Ride) snowmobiles.​
Our records indicate that you are the owner of a Polaris Snowmobile affected by Safety Recall S-22-09.​
We have determined that with degraded fuel, and especially after extended storage, some snowmobiles may pose a risk of fire due to electrostatic discharge (ESD) inside the fuel tank. Under specific conditions, vapors may be ignited inside the fuel tank, posing a potential injury hazard to consumers. Polaris has voluntarily reported this matter to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.​
Polaris is currently evaluating a repair procedure for affected snowmobiles. Until a remedy is approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, we urge you not to ride the vehicle.​
Once a repair procedure has been validated and approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Polaris will notify dealers and contact you by mail (and email). This work will be performed by your dealer at no cost to you.​
If a rider needs to start their snowmobile, they must make sure the fuel tank is full and, if it is not, then they need to add fresh gasoline to fill the tank.​
Anybody else get theirs yet?

Polaris Industries Inc. is issuing a Stop Ride notice to owners of Model Year 2021-2023 MATRYX, 2015-2022 AXYS and select Model Year 2013-2014 Trail Performance (Pro-Ride) snowmobiles.​

Our records indicate that you are the owner of a Polaris Snowmobile affected by Safety Recall S-22-09.​

We have determined that with degraded fuel, and especially after extended storage, some snowmobiles may pose a risk of fire due to electrostatic discharge (ESD) inside the fuel tank. Under specific conditions, vapors may be ignited inside the fuel tank, posing a potential injury hazard to consumers. Polaris has voluntarily reported this matter to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.​

Polaris is currently evaluating a repair procedure for affected snowmobiles. Until a remedy is approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, we urge you not to ride the vehicle.​

Once a repair procedure has been validated and approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Polaris will notify dealers and contact you by mail (and email). This work will be performed by your dealer at no cost to you.​

If a rider needs to start their snowmobile, they must make sure the fuel tank is full and, if it is not, then they need to add fresh gasoline to fill the tank.​
Yes. Just got my letter last Thursday Sept 1st. This situation doesn't even make sense.
Yes. Just got my letter last Thursday Sept 1st. This situation doesn't even make sense.
It does, but I think a lot of things have to line up to make it happen. That's why the failure rate is so very, very low.
I can see a scenario with the pump being in a locked rotor condition on startup causing a spark to ground. Polaris has open contacts on their ground, they also boost the pump voltage during the initiation signal from the ECU in the startup sequence, if the rotors locked or even partially stuck this excess energy has nowhere to go and could be arcing to the ground contact.
As others have stated on other sites, phase separated ethanol is very volatile, thats why a partially empty tank of stale fuel is likely the main trigger to the issue and why they are putting this out immediately with everyone thinking about digging their toys for the season with last seasons fuel still in there.
Hopefully there's an easy fix, we'll see what they release in the weeks to come.
Yes... I agree - phase separation with a potential static or stray voltage issue.
any news on the fix , and what time frame,, went thru the fuel line issue last year, wait wait,,but I had to flip my dealer a c note to get me done asap ,,
Only thing I'm seeing thrown around elsewhere is dealers being told to block out 1hr to 90 minute timeslots for the repair and that it will apparently be released the end of the month.
The are likely building up an inventory of fix-it kits and fixing the ones on the assembly line first to keep production moving along.
Something to think about.

I've seen anywhere from 200,000-400,000 machines will need this fix. So even on the low end of 1 hour and 200,000 machines you will need 200,000 man hours to complete this recall. Not even the entire Polaris dealer network has that kind of manpower available. Are you riding yours without the fix? Two questions, who at Polaris is responsible for this mess and when is his last day?
The only number I've seen thrown around in any official release is 233k, which they have to be truthful about or else be in trouble with the SEC since they are a publicly traded entity. I'm also willing to bet at least 10% of those don't even exist any more ( totaled, parted out, etc).

I can't honestly blame someone at Polaris for this one, its not like a line routing issue or some other external failure. Having worked for Tier 1 automotive suppliers, I can guarantee with all the EPA mandated BS on evaporative emissions from vehicle fuel systems, that the whole tank/pump assembly is outsourced to a supplier who specializes in that area to ensure compliance. My pro-ride pump assembly has Walbro on the top cap when I took it apart to change the sock, haven't had the AXYS apart to see who is on that one, also haven't looked to see of theres a manufacturer stamp on either tank. More than likely all from Walbro as they even list Polaris as one of their customers on their website.
Judging on the very low incidence rate of failure, I'd say this issue is something that caught everyone off guard. Rumor has it other manufacturers are re-evaluating their designs as well. Keep in mind Walbro produces millions of products a year for various manufacturers.

Well based on the update video they posted a few hours ago, looking like mid to late october for the fix release now as they are finishing validation testing to end of life.
I'm not losing any sleep over it, first because I rode the Pro-ride for 9 years before this and always pump out and fill with fresh gas before the season starts, second I can't even get the trailer out of its spot in the yard until the ground is frozen anyway.
The rumors swirling around today are that its just an ground extension to the bottom of the tank to dissipate any static, thats it.
The rumors swirling around today are that its just an ground extension to the bottom of the tank to dissipate any static, thats it.

Still lots of work on their part to get them all done.
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Suppose to be an official update coming from Polaris sometime this afternoon....
I just talked to the dealer that I purchased my machine from and (they claim) Polaris told them not to expect parts for the "fix" until sometime in December.
Talked to Power Lodge today, they say they will have parts in hand by the end of October and start installing immediately thereafter. They are taking names for a waiting list, first come first serv. Hope they have better information the first dealer I talked to.
The word (from a dealer) today is "dealers will have parts sometime in December". So I called Polaris customer service to see if they have any answers, customer service says "we are, and have been, shipping parts to all the dealers for the past 2 weeks". Maybe uninformed dealer? Anybody else hear anything?
I've heard that the repair kits are trickling in slowly, also right now they can only order parts for VIN's that they sold ( or have in stock) at their dealership. They need a VIN to get a kit and there is a whole documentation process (photos, etc)that must be submitted to Polaris.
Supposedly after Dec 1 they can get parts for any machine. Sounds like they are buying time to get an ample supply of kits together.

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