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Testing TPS with multimeter?

My throttle bodies were replaced because the idle voltage setting was not repeatable. Meaning, as you open and closed the throttle bodies it never read close to the same idle voltage twice.

The throttle bodies had an internal bind that didn't allow them to function correctly. Since they are a replacement only part, not repairable, they were replaced .

It could have been a bind on the shaft, plates hitting the bores, or any of several problems.

After they were replaced, Base voltage set, the idle Voltage was repeatable as you opened and closed the throttle bodies.

It corrected my running issues.

There may have been an incorrect TPS setting from the factory, but the binding throttle bodies was the main problem.

It DEFINATELY corrected my problem.

I only got the dealer to get that far by offering to pay for all labor, as the dealer has to follow Polaris procedure on the TPS . Idle and WOT are the only serviceable settings.

The throttle bodies are synchronized and TPS Base Voltage are set from the factory. Not adjustable per Polaris service procedure UNLESS determined there is reason to replace them.

In the end, all labor/parts were covered under warranty.
Kinda a crappy video as I was holding my phone lol.

Parts needed.
Multi-meter. Preferably a GOOD one.
Ecu power up cable.
Paper clip or small multi meter probe.

Provide 12volts to the ECU connector in front of the clutch cover near the upper shock mount.
Ground is near were the ecu power plug is on chassis. Use black multi meter wire and clip to small bolt.
The tps connector is in bag over pto spark plug. It's triangular in shape with a yellow,blue and black wires
Use a paper clip or small probe to get between and along side of wire to connection and plug into yellow wire to verify you have 4.99-5.00 volts on meter. Once you have this plug in clip or probe into back of tps blue wire. This reads your tps voltage.
Throttle up and down to see sweep.

Now, my multi meter is a cheap one, a good fluke was 5.00 volts right on. Mine snowed 5.07 volts and this makes sense as the idle voltage on my cheap multi meter was .920 volts and showed .913 volts film digital wrench. So I know my multi meter reads hi by .07

Base voltage check needs throttle cable off at thumb lever back idle screw all the way out so it's not touching.make sure plates fully close and check .
I thought we determined the Digital Wrench would read different and would be more accurate thank a multimeter?
True as we all talked about,but I never tested it this complete way. I think it's more accurate and close if not the same as a dw. I need a dw side by side comparison to be 100% sure now.
Regarding the ecu power up cable, does anyone have a source for the connector that hooks up to the ecu pigtail on the sled? I'm looking for a part number and vender.
With the plug, it would be simple to build your own power up cable. It looks to be the same as the gauge power up plug.
Regarding the ecu power up cable, does anyone have a source for the connector that hooks up to the ecu pigtail on the sled? I'm looking for a part number and vender.
With the plug, it would be simple to build your own power up cable. It looks to be the same as the gauge power up plug.
The heat shield plug that you can buy has the same white 2 pin plug. I don't see any others on the Polaris site that works???
just to clarify When you say to back the idle screw off are you talking the throttle blade stop ( the allen set screw in the throttle body ) or the idle screw (Phillips head inline in the throttle cable ) or both? Thanks
Regarding the ecu power up cable, does anyone have a source for the connector that hooks up to the ecu pigtail on the sled? I'm looking for a part number and vender.
With the plug, it would be simple to build your own power up cable. It looks to be the same as the gauge power up plug.
On EBay I purchased a TPS wire harness used for testing a Polaris TPS and then a few days later ordered a High Quality "ECU power up cable" from Tonka1020, high quality & quick delivery...

I highly suggest to order a very simple to use TPS tester wire harness from a SnoWest member Tonka1020 on EBay. He "QUICKLY" sent me a very HIGH QUALITY" TPS tester wire harness for $42.50 & then on another order a High Quality ""ECU power up cable"" !!!
Stated by Tonka1020; This is my newest TPS product. It simply plugs in and allows you access to the different voltages produced by your ECM or signal voltage coming from the TPS. There is a great review that can be found on the Snowest forum if you search "Where to buy a TPS tester. "You will need your own voltage meter. THIS IS NOT A STAND ALONE PRODUCT! If you are using this on a sled, you will also need a power-up cable to energize your ECU. On Rangers and Razrs you can simply turn the key on and set your tps voltages. I'm still getting to know all the products this fits on. Please send me your questions BEFORE you buy the product. If you purchase it, I'm shipping it! eBay doesn't allow for any lag in time in shipping. It impacts my performance rating when a buyer "buys" the product and then asks all the questions that should happen pre-sale and I end up not shipping it on time because of the questions! READ my feedback. I try VERY hard to be a no BS seller. I ship as soon as possible. If you bought the wrong one because you didn't ask the right questions, I'm sorry! If you buy it and I guided you wrong, I'll make it right. PERIOD!

Last month I purchased a Fluke 17B+ from EBay for $120.59
Have a SAFE Summer; Rich
I thought we determined the Digital Wrench would read different and would be more accurate thank a multimeter?
I believe a $400 PCV or a SLP $250 PCFC fuel controller would be more accurate then a multi meter.... I will compare my $120 Fluke meter to my SLP $250 PCFC fuel controller... After a friend returns my ECU power up cable & my TPS wire harness adapter tester...
2011-14 800 Rush, 70-180
2015-16 800 Axys (PCFC $250),, The Power Commander Fuel Control system is a low cost alternative to the Power Commander V (PCV $400). All of the same fuel maps that are available from Starting Line Products for the PCV can be used in the PCFC as well. The PCFC cannot be outfitted with optional accessories such as Autotune, Wideband 2 and the LCD display; and the PCFC does not have ignition timing control capabilities like some of the PCV models. Lower cost and simplicity are benefits of the PCFC. The PCFC does have end user custom fuel mapping capabilities similar to the PCV by plugging into your laptop or PC with the included computer link cable.

To set the TPS without the engine running refer to ECU Power-Up Cable.
ECU Power-Up Cable for Polaris CFI Models

I did not order a ECU power up cable from SLP even though my brother's shop gets a 25% dealer discount because SLP shipping to Wis is excessive, SLP added $15 shipping for the very small light $15 exhaust resistor = $30.00...

Tonka1020 (Troy) "QUICKLY" sent me a very HIGH QUALITY" TPS tester wire harness for $42.50 with free shipping & the High Quality ECU power up cable on another order for approx. $20.00!!!!
http://www.ebay.com/itm/271788580935?euid=97b47ada187f43cbb50a3f5c52350281 & cp=1&exe=11473&ext=27979&sojTags=exe=exe,ext=e xt
So then I ordered a High Quality ECU power up cable for approx. $20.00 with free shipping from SnoWest member Tonka1020 on EBay...
Pcv doesn't read the same as digital wrench or multi meter. It's very inaccurate for reading tps. Tried it side by side with digital wrench.

Thanks for a your info though Div20
Minus, that was a reading of tps voltage on both digital wrench and Pcv.
When we had sleds on the dyno with a fuel controller, we looked at the voltage readings to compare.
Pcv is not an accurate way to read tps voltage.
Pcv doesn't read the same as digital wrench or multi meter. It's very inaccurate for reading tps. Tried it side by side with digital wrench.

Thanks for a your info though Div20
Brock, Thanks for your input that the fuel controllers are not very accurate for measuring TPS voltage even though they read out voltage to 3 places (with my PCFC, WOT 4.222 volts) unlike my old Sears or new Fluke multi meters that only read out 2 places such as 4.22 volts, or my cheap $8.98 multimeter base at .687222 volts??? LOL ....

Based on your post I will not revise my unknown TPS voltage setting for the 4th time, that may be way out of spec???... As my PCFC fuel map is already very lean... My 800 Rush with a 2.52" pitch track is but MUCH faster then a (110 MPH???) 2016 800ZR Cat that has a slow 2.86" pitch track, only Cat mod is a SLP PCV map for single pipe kit & SLP clutching....

Also no "DET" ever on my 2014 800 Pro R Rush with BMP pipe, BMP high flow air self, VF3R reeds on my very lean PCFC fuel map that only adds +4% fuel at partial throttle and +2% fuel at 60% to 100 % throttle after 7500 to 8250 RPM... With the rich BMP or SLP single pipe map #70-273 and SLP clutching my 800 Rush lost 10+ MPH.... Then I had to lean out fuel map & re-clutch 3 times...

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