Just thinking random thoughts so I may be all over
Polaris says the throttle bodies are flow benched. Are they flowed for sync or idle air flow?
If idle then we should leave the idle screw alone and just move the tps to idle spec? ECU reads idle to wot so why is base so important?
I wonder when the factory sets the tps, I really doubt they do it after its in the sled and ready to run. My point being each particular sled components may read the tps different. Is this why so many are off spec?
I believe I read that some tps have a different total sweep? Maybe this doesn't matter if the ecu is looking for certain wot voltage and ignore or call extra reading wot anyway. On my sled the bullydog reads 100% throttle when it still has a bit of travel to go wot.
Bullydog reads the info off the diagnostic port that the digital wrench uses. Is it reading what the ecu is? Is it as accurate as DW?
How close is the PCV when reading tps voltage compared to the DW.
I believe the PCV reads the tps itself, not what the ecu is reading. I am basing this off the difference between the PCV and Bullydog readings.
I am thinking more than I can type so time to quit
I expect some complete accurate answers to the questions