I did the regear yesterday. 23-40 with IQR tensioner.
Buttoned it all up and left it till this morning to refill chaincase. Put in my preferred chaincase lube.
I looked on the running board for the magnetic case fill plug and don't see it. I looked around a little and could not find it. I slowly starting putting all my tools away, cleaning them off and checking for the magnetic plug, thinking it may have stuck to a wrench,socket etc. Nothing. Then I went through my box of new packaged nuts,bolts,washers,another IQR tensioner thinking maybe it stuck to them. Nothing. Now I'm getting pissed. Double checked everywhere. Oh fuk, could it be stuck to a gear in the buttoned up chaincase? Jacked up the sled and tried to turn secondary by hand. 1/4 turn or so each way and stop. Fuk me! Oh well I guess I found it. Out come the tools again and I start taking shit apart again. Battery and case out,caliper off. Rotor off.For removing and reinstalling the caliper this flex head mac torque wrench and multi angle flex head snap On ratchet are a big help.
Now I go get the mighty vac out of the tool box, open it and low and behold look what I see
I am a happy fella. Time for a
to calm me down. The track is tight from the dealer putting new slides on last spring. Forgot about that. I am relieved.