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Clutching and gearing

I am getting confused on what sled is being dicussed here. A Axys 800 or a Pro R 800
My pro s responded to gearing and clutching the same as the pro r
So you had no gain? What was your set-up? Gears? Clutch? Helix? So on. Just so I know as I am ready to gear and clutch my sled. It's odd that you had no luck and yet the 5 or 6 guys on here had decent gains. Oh and we are talking pro s.
Stock gears and rear clutch slp blue pink 140 340 spring Dalton adjustable weights at close to 70 g spinning 8250 gearing down made me loose at a 1.71 and loose more at 1.75 3 lengths to a nitro with a Ulmer stage 3 and when I went back to stock gears I was 2 to 3 lengths ahead same with a 1200 doo with bondi who knows what done to it.
Stock gears and rear clutch slp blue pink 140 340 spring Dalton adjustable weights at close to 70 g spinning 8250 gearing down made me loose at a 1.71 and loose more at 1.75 3 lengths to a nitro with a Ulmer stage 3 and when I went back to stock gears I was 2 to 3 lengths ahead same with a 1200 doo with bondi who knows what done to it.
2-3 lengths at what 2500 feet?
There's no way stock gears are faster/quicker even to 1000' than a 1.74 or close to that ratio.
Hopefully I can make it to some races in NB this Winter.
Like I said under 1000'
Having such a high gear ratio takes away that arm pulling fun for trailing.
Looking forward to running against your AXYS with my INDY. Hopefully my days off I am home from out West line up with some races in NB.
Like I said under 1000'
Having such a high gear ratio takes away that arm pulling fun for trailing.
Looking forward to running against your AXYS with my INDY. Hopefully my days off I am home from out West line up with some races in NB.
Awsome! It will be my pro r as the axis is supposed to be sold tomorow to make room for the sks I hope! The alpa race and the meductic race are the best to attend!
Play nice ed
Its all in good fun ! But no joke I've tried all of it with the same test sleds and from the 1.75 gear bieing behind by 2 lengths to the stock 1.63 I think I was 2 ahead ! Don't know! In theory the 1.75 should be better for short runs but that's not what worked for me I guess.
Well I have a timing system and a radar gun. I set points were ever I want. I like setting them at 60 feet, 100',330'660',800' and 1200'.

As I said earlier, ,I have never seen a 1.6 gear ratio beat a 1.7 ratio in the ranges I mentioned. Timing systems don't lie. I do back to back,same sled,same day same driver to get an accurate evaluations.
I don't like using lighter weights and heavy springs, and that's what's needed with hi gear ratios. I like to use heavy weights and softest springs possible=(less resistance)

This thread is getting confusing to some.

Different results for different people.
Well I have a timing system and a radar gun. I set points were ever I want. I like setting them at 60 feet, 100',330'660',800' and 1200'.

As I said earlier, ,I have never seen a 1.6 gear ratio beat a 1.7 ratio in the ranges I mentioned. Timing systems don't lie. I do back to back,same sled,same day same driver to get an accurate evaluations.
I don't like using lighter weights and heavy springs, and that's what's needed with hi gear ratios. I like to use heavy weights and softest springs possible=(less resistance)

This thread is getting confusing to some.

Different results for different people.
Brock what elevation do you run at? I know I even need a different fuel map here in nb than they do in portland maine at the same elevations.
Minus40,did u check primary clutch travel?? I've checked quite a few .
I mean free spring length and fully compressed. It's supposed to be 2.5" to 1.19" which is a total travel of 1.31".
Most I've checked only have 1.2 to 1.25" travel from factory.
Just wondering what you've found??
Well I have a timing system and a radar gun. I set points were ever I want. I like setting them at 60 feet, 100',330'660',800' and 1200'.

As I said earlier, ,I have never seen a 1.6 gear ratio beat a 1.7 ratio in the ranges I mentioned. Timing systems don't lie. I do back to back,same sled,same day same driver to get an accurate evaluations.
I don't like using lighter weights and heavy springs, and that's what's needed with hi gear ratios. I like to use heavy weights and softest springs possible=(less resistance)

This thread is getting confusing to some.

Different results for different people.
I'm a bit baffled, getting diff opinions. If I go to 1.74 with 120/310, 72g, 50/44 with 140/200 and a gates belt will this set up work on fast maine trails.

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