Hey guys finally got to ride today. Sled runs good. Still pretty even with my buddies on a rolling race. I did gearing springs helix weights and gates. He did same primary spring 120/310 and he did a 155/222 and gates. Pretty even. His sled has secondary heat, what would remedy that??? Mine did good, will check for shift out tomorrow.
Hey doc, both sleds are 15 rush s 800, mine got 120/310 cutler adjustables, 50/44 120/200, gates belt and 1.74, his only got 120/310, 155/222 on stock helix and gates belt. We ride pretty hard and his secondary was fairly warm. Could put hand on it but pretty warm. He says he feel slip near top speed.
In yellow popo,thats what you said.
your set up , primary, 120/310,with adjustable weights(whats the weight?),secondary a50/44 f,120/200, with 1.74 gear ratio.
your buddy,primary 120/310, with what weights?????,stock helix,155/222, what gear ratio??
your leaving out a lot of information for anyone to try and help you??? doc just asked you and you told me go go back a page. I did,lots left out???
whats your primary weight set at?? how many studs??
Are you just simply asking how come your buddy has secondary heat???
It's very confusing??
whats your buddies primary weight?? is he studded??,whats his gear ratio??
put a specific list together as doc asked and maybe someone can help