donation group who's interested in the info will donate to cover the costs of travel time and dyno time people forget buying multiple helixs weights pipes etc
that go into the don't work drawer never mind time to test I know with all the info I have received from you and doc
Your idea make sense but no thanks. It cost me thousands of dollars in testing,travel,buying mods,dyno time,etc....... but I do it cause I love the sport and the people. Heck, I made some new best friends cause of testing and psp (Doo2poo,doc, norm) and Jim wants me to put a camper trailer at dynotech research now,lol.

I wouldn't change the friendships I gained cause of this.
As for me doo2poo,and doc sharing freely, it's our choice, and most aftermarket shops tell me not to share anything with public ,cause I'm giving away free information that they would have to pay for by all aftermarket shops. They give me shit for sharing on these forums so freely without anything in return(money) for my information. Maybe their right??
You want go fast stuff, pay for it?? Go pay for dyno time and all mods to make stuff work yourself??You have to with all aftermarket shops.
So, a toned down version is what people are gonna get from now on.
Rant over.
Jaws pipe rocks