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Search results

  1. mcAxysSB44


    Are you guys buying the duponts through your Polaris dealer? Or where? Thanks!
  2. mcAxysSB44

    Triton TC-167 trailer? Anyone own one?

    So it can be done which is good to hear. Seems like a nice trailer. Hopefully someone has one that could chime in with their thoughts as you asked...
  3. mcAxysSB44

    Triton TC-167 trailer? Anyone own one?

    I am interested also. I have a 2002 Triton v-nose clamshell but would love to find the lightest trailer that has a rear drop down door that will fit a 3rd sled. I haven't been in the 167 or seen one close up. I am curious to know if 3 sleds will fit in the 167. Maybe two sleds facing forward...
  4. mcAxysSB44


    Merry Christmas to you all!
  5. mcAxysSB44

    Pipe shoot out dec 22

    Alex's Place in Batavia is the place to go (for dinner)...
  6. mcAxysSB44

    powder coating

    I like it! That turned out great...
  7. mcAxysSB44

    Problem? Or no problem?

    I sent the pics to the dealer. They said to bring it in and I dropped it off today. We'll see what the deal is. Also looked like there was some antifreeze (green fluid) on the trailer floor while dropping it off at the dealer. Delightful start to my 'axys experience'...
  8. mcAxysSB44

    Problem? Or no problem?

    I started the sled one time to get it off the trailer and put it in the garage. I then started it two times after I put it in the garage to mess around with the guage. All the pictures are all from after the last time i had it started which was about two weeks ago. So since the last time it was...
  9. mcAxysSB44


    The reason why I have never tried the woodys gold diggers is due to the great success I had/have with the woodys megabites. The only other stud I have used (other than the megabites) was the extreme max studs (on one sled). I found that the extreme max studs didn't hold up/last like the...
  10. mcAxysSB44

    Get me in the ballpark...(suspension settings)

    This is my first Polaris (Switchback). I was wondering what worked for you guys last year and/or suggesting a starting point when it comes to getting the suspension set up. I am 230lbs, ride aggressive and the sled is studded. -Preload of shocks at factory settings -I have all the clickers set...
  11. mcAxysSB44

    Eth vs non eth

    Ok I got it. It worked by just holding the brake. Thanks for the help guys!
  12. mcAxysSB44

    Eth vs non eth

    Nope...not a dumb question at all. That's exactly what I was doing wrong. I read that step but I skipped it and didn't set the parking brake. I figured it was one of those 'over cautious' things. Thanks guys...I will give it a try.
  13. mcAxysSB44

    Eth vs non eth

    I asked the dealer about this to see where they set it. He said that on the my2016's he thinks that it can't be changed anymore. But- the instructions to are still in the manual. I tried to change it from eth to non-eth and i wasn't able to do so. I am either doing it wrong or you truly cant...
  14. mcAxysSB44

    Got it home...here are some pics of the black pearl

    I agree. Its hard to tell in the pics but in the sunlight the black pearl looks great. It almost has that sparkle look like a bass boat. The hood would look great in black pearl also like you said...
  15. mcAxysSB44

    Snow checks coming in?

    I got the email today saying it shipped...says 2-3wks
  16. mcAxysSB44

    Who has lined them up?

    Still waiting for my sled to come in. While I/we wait...tell us how you MY2015 owners faired vs other sleds. What do you have (shorty or SB, X or S)? What was it against? What was the result? Let's hear some real world results.
  17. mcAxysSB44

    MY2016 rear shock valving vs MY2015

    I remember reading it in one of the snowmobile mags as well. I sent Polaris a PM on FB about a week ago asking the question on valving for the MY2016. No response as of yet. I just sent them a 2nd message. Hopefully they will respond back...!
  18. mcAxysSB44

    MY2016 rear shock valving vs MY2015

    The word is the valving on the MY2015 rear shocks wasn't quite right or maybe could've been better. I thought I read on here (or somewhere) that the valving for rear shocks on the 2016's will be different. Has anyone heard this?
  19. mcAxysSB44

    Axys inconsistant belt comoounds

    I ordered one from discountfleetsupply.com gat46c4387 Gates G-Force CVT Belt... $74.96

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